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Esra Yurttut // Teacher
IDOCs » What I am trying in the ballet class?
I am sharing what I did try in last 3 years at the Ballet Class of Contemporary Departmant in Mimar Sinan University. I tried them in a diffrent time and one by one. (I impressed by hearing "try out" ,during this weekend at the İdocde classes, İt helps me to find a way to share my classes by saying "trying".)

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- Bar exercises with "close eyes" .

It worked very well to feel the centre from inside and to consantrate more deep, feel and imagine the body with all direction.

- Ballet against to someone 

He-she should give the ressistance to the mover. it helps to mover to get more strong and clear. good exercises for all bar.

-Ballet with someone

Partner helping to the mover, it became a good experience for mover she can see her limit throught the partner  and it can help them to motivate their self. 

always more fun when it become interactive :)

- Play a game ..

When  the energy is going down  it is time for "playing tag"

suddenly energy change and students get more awake for sure ;) than run to the bar for contunie the class with more energy :)

-  Ballet without ballet music

Radiohead, Avishai Cohen, Yann Tiersen, Nina Simone( love me or leave me is fix on tendu) , Sade (jezebel for the adagio :) impro till the lyric ), Bonobo, Paul Anka, Zofka, Renaud Garcia-Fons etc. 

After long time hearing ballet music, it s good  for refreshing the energy.

Also good to have live music in the class. Percussion didnt worked so well for all movement but it give more energy  specially for jumps.

- Ballet in diffrent levels

Laying on the floor and take the wall as a floor. it is very good for tendus, rond de jambe parter. (for rond supporting leg is paralel, working foot touch the wall and person lay on her side, she/he should draw a half circle on the wall with tiptoe)

I tried some combination start standing position and contunie in the floor or start on the floor and end in the standing position. 

Also rolling to the side,back and front and using diffrent legs and directions 

 to do arm exercises on the floor.

-  dreaming bar

- turn without turn

- jump without jump

This is one of my favorite exercise, they should imagine their self without doing phscially. goal is to see every details, try to improve the movement on their body by imagining first. I use music of the movement sometimes , sometimes in silence. After they dream I ask them to do and to make dreams come true..

- Move and talk

I want them to explane something  while they doing the exercises. it is good for dont stuck in the movement, good for to have the movements on body without thinking on it and it is a great brain exercise too. sometimes I asked them to watch the others and say what they see while they are doing the movements pyscially.

- Hearing the body

Sometimes it is good to be in a silence and focus on the sound from the body and exaggerate it little bit. Specially for tendus,jetee and grand battement  it s good to hear foot's rubbing sound and also good to hear and feel the breathe. Turn off the music and focuslistenhear  to the sound of you. research the sound of movement and also sing..

- Balance as a game

Some movement has a balance position at the end, the rule is finish the balance all together in the same time and keep the position as long as you can as a group.

Some people dont believe that they can find the balance and keep it for a long time, this rules help them to hold the position. responsibility of the group change their point of think and their balance improve in a time.

-  Open adagio in the centre.

I leave adagio as a open combination and they did everyday diffrently . it is never decided from before, adagio by feeling eachother. İt worked very good to remember the other people in the class and built a group energy.  

-  Diffrent  exercises between bar and centre 

After finishing the bar and  just before to start a centre exercises...

free streching, streching on the bar, condition sets, running, pilates, meditation...

- Make a music for your friend

Making  a sound,effects or sing for what you are seeing.

İt is a exercise for the centre combination while they do group by group. Watching group should make the sound. İt is good for  make a connection between movement and sound.

Mover group should also focus on sound and use it for improve their movements quality.



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sebnem yuksel // Teacher
Dear Esra,

Your classes sounds very exciting and fun to be in.. Especially ballet against someone and with someone, arm excersizes on the floor and oprn adaggio seemed to me very interesting... Keep on going and exploring...

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Tanja Ruta Grgić // Teacher
Hi Esra,
I like your class description:-)

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Esra Yurttut // Teacher
Thanks Tanja :)

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