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contemporary technique somatics ballet documentation release technique Ideokinesis BMC technique horton floor bar muscular alignment lengthening strength Technique contemporary technique class and improvisation contact improvisation site-specific aerial dance Contact improvisation technique body intuition Teaching Practice technique research weight balance gravity Space time awareness rhythm Contact Improvisation dancing in nature technique and intuition release technique physical dance Acrobatics Ideokinesis Water movement kinesthetics Skinner Releasing Technique Contact Improvisation research presentation Contemporary Dance technique-class deatiled class description (step by step) alignment spirales releasing technique Technique class performance composition Somatic Technic exchange pedagogy contemporary mainly release technique improvisation somatics ballet partnering group The poetry of technique: an exploratory contemporary dance class Somatics Technique Ballett Contemporary Dance integration reflection Fly low Training improvisation class Contemporary Dance technique Movement research Contemporary Dance Practices with some principles and techniques of contemporary dance movements Technique class improvisation Form[less]? teaching questions methodology combined techniques dance education Anatomie - Analyse du mouvement - Barre à terre - Technique Organ support somatics Contemporary Dance Anouk contemporary dance Contemporary Dance strengh power improvisation documenting Ana Stegnar Teaching Practice teaching methods Teaching research Ana Stegnar Contemporary contemporary dance class documentation teaching ballet company Contemporary Dance Juliana Neves improvisation composition dance circus Contemporary dance training contemporary choreography scores Contemporary dance tecnique teaching quotations co-teaching discussion language somatics ballet education Contemporary Dance Louise Chardon anatomy somatics Contemporary Dance Florance Augendre improvisation Teaching Practice Research Theory Work Platform Liquid Matrix Tomas Danielis Improvisation - contemporary dance Improvisation for performers Ballet alternatives Exploration Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren sacrum sternum occiput BMC Louise Chardon anatomy somatic sensation contemporary dance teaching methods partnerwork education BMc Florence Augendre contemporary dance pelvis teaching focus research Contemporary Dance Inaki Azpillaga Robert Hayden water dance Class formats Ballet for Beginners Improvisation/Contemporary Dance for Classical Dancers contemporary training speaking and moving contemporary acrobatics water ideokinesis spiral twist teaching modern jazz courses workshops contemporary dance choreography Education Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Permeability & Strength Dance Material with Emotional Content Contemporary Dance improvisation floor work sharing in home country choreo-lab improvisation & composition Contemporary Dance Breakdance Flamenco Spine Parkour Contemporary Dance Breakdance Physical Work Guiding a process towards Performing (Ballet / Somatics) Contemporary Ballet Somatics Conscious Use of Breath Permeability of the Body Improvisation Choreography Contemporary Dance beginner level intermediate level Partnering improvisation class salsa all kind of couple dancing with contemporary DanceAbility in the field of contemporary dance teaching methods body consciousness fluidity nature fields form or formless body mind Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals boys workshop Improvisation horizontality real time composition hybridization dramaturgy floor work physical dance Contemporary Dance spine spirales improvisation contemporary sensitivity hand balancing Acrobatics composition workshop choreography lab Expression body awareness teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography arts and craft Space Laban spine spirales Contemporary Dance floor work Contemporary Dance Connection with the floor dance in repetitive motion creative process classes & workshops flyer Evaluation Children Contemporary Dance Ressources Contemporary Dance conciousness transformation transculturalism movement exploration local workshop spirals circles serpentine contemporary dance class economical danning / moving Somatic data interpretations experiential anatomy Contemporary Dance anatomy Analysis Theory Scapino Ballet Rotterdam tango learning / teaching cross-cultural Feldenkrais adults participative non-dancers Tango Argentino Gender and role transference Cultural perspectives Contemporary teachings of Tango teaching contemporary professional training improvisation videography photography portraits contemporary dance performing arts feat. fine arts alongside dance floors transformation processes opening channels transforming movement into pictures transforming pictures into movement shamanic potential magic clowning the body is a brain a frame is a compromise compromises are freedom Hybrid Teaching Practices Teaching strategies Teaching Contemporary Dance testing structures and Playing Contemporary Dance Class in Couple Marcial Arts teaching children Contemporary Dance mind the dance Vienna Impulstanz 2018 Hunting gathering somatics and politics comunal embodied learning epistemology of contemporary dance enactivism embodiment neuroaesthetics perception methodology education Teaching Practice Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy Workshop Foundation
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[deu] Erlebnis und Form. Somatische Arb...
Here you will find my German MA thesis I handed in at the end of 2011 as a part of the Masterstudiengang Zeitgenössische Tanzpädagogik, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kun...
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By Sylvia Scheidl Eligible Member
1 appreciation    1180 views

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By Rasmus Ölme
2 appreciations    1367 views

[hun] Importance of sharing and teachin...
I chose "Importance of sharing and teaching in dance, importance of body noises and sounds as tools" as a series of interviews with the Hungarian key teachers at IDOCDE. For this...
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1 appreciation    647 views

This collection of tools, guides me through the distinct exercises towards an ensemble. They intend to enhance execution or trace any not wanted awkwardness This simplified guid...
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By Iñaki Azpillaga
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stolzenhagen classproposal - HORTON technique
My class of Horton technique based on mainly static exercises is 90 or 120 minutes long technique class for beginners and/or professionals who wants to get deeper into their body k...
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Finding the simple in the complex: a non-violent approach to technique.Length of class: 105 or 120 min.
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By Gyula Berger
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Floor Bar for Contemporary Dancers
This floor bar developed by the New Yorker ballet teacher Jean Hamilton was transmitted to me through Mary Overlie. Its reduced exercises on the floor offer a physical training foc...
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By Sylvia Scheidl Eligible Member
4 appreciations    3853 views

A science-fiction technique class. A ballistic body is a body which is free to move, behave, and be modified in appearance, contour, or texture by ambient conditions, substances...
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By Isabel Lewis
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contemporary class -Stolzenhagen
My objective is always based around the notion of strong center. I alternate excercices "techniques" and pleasure of movement. The contents of my class are based on the technica...
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By Laure Leguet
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