IDOCs » stolzenhagen classproposal - HORTON technique
My class of Horton technique based on mainly static exercises is 90 or 120 minutes long technique class for beginners and/or professionals who wants to get deeper into their body knowledge. Horton Technique enables us to develop endurance, flexibility and the communicative possibilities of dance. Significant elements are clear lines, concentrated work for the back, strengthening and stretching the muscles of the legs and the back.

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My class of Horton technique based on mainly static exercises is 90 or 120 minutes long technique class for beginners and or professionals who wants to get deeper into their body knowledge.
I have learned a lot about Horton from Milton Myers in Vienna. He is well-known as an outstanding and tireless teacher of this technique.

Horton Class led by Márta Ladjánszki

"Lester Horton believed that the body could be trained and freed through constant movement. He developed exercises to get the body and the pelvis in and out of the floor, move it up to down and around.
In Horton, we begin and end most exercises in parallel to counter the effects of constantly turning out.
By using turnout and parallel, muscles develop balance.

Horton developed exercises to increase mobility and strengthen the muscles around the body's major joints: the hips, the shoulders, the knees, and the ankles. In the technique-with its emphasis on lunges, flat backs (standing in parallel, a straight upper body hinges forward at the hip socket to make a 90 degree angle), and laterals (extending a straight leg to the side in parallel, the torso and arms tip in opposition to make a straight line perpendicular to the standing leg)--the body's center gets very strong."
(Milton Myers)

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