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games non proffesional ball group behavior assessment non proffesional teaching / assessment student evaluation improvisation/composition Assessment Teaching interests non-interests questions improvisation non-hierarchical teaching Conact Improvisation teaching reflection perception non-dancers contemporary adults participative Mediate spaces (virtually and non-virtually) Somatics' sharing Deep listening and presence Relation and awareness poetic space/attention sensations non-duality
11 matches found |
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how create movements without trying to create it?
Here is a focus on a game I like to use with non professionnal groups. Made from very simple and common rules the idea is to go into movement without conscience and then realize th...
Here is a focus on a game I like to use with non professionnal groups. Made from very simple and common rules the idea is to go into movement without conscience and then realize th...
The Studio Thinking Framework in Dance Education: a research to e...
In this report we like to share our research process. We considered the daily training classes and rehearsals, study counseling session and performance sessions. The assessment cri...
In this report we like to share our research process. We considered the daily training classes and rehearsals, study counseling session and performance sessions. The assessment cri...
Interested / Not interested in…
A poetic list. A try out. No fixed categories. Could all change. Performance text? Teaching text?
A poetic list. A try out. No fixed categories. Could all change. Performance text? Teaching text?
Proposal for Non-Hierachical Teaching Lab
We propose a lab where we will create a field for sharing, where participants can bring questions and statements, and where we can discuss and explore the essence of non hierarchi...
We propose a lab where we will create a field for sharing, where participants can bring questions and statements, and where we can discuss and explore the essence of non hierarchi...
Teaching Contact Improvisation in the University
This is a brief reflection on my experience and my student's experience of a contact improvisation class at the University of California in Davis. The class consisted of a large gr...
This is a brief reflection on my experience and my student's experience of a contact improvisation class at the University of California in Davis. The class consisted of a large gr...
Tuning through Skype – Experiential state of the body, a statem...
We use Skype to communicate about our work. Dealing with its limits is a challenge. We found ways to access meaningful experiential state of the body-voice. A series of performance...
We use Skype to communicate about our work. Dealing with its limits is a challenge. We found ways to access meaningful experiential state of the body-voice. A series of performance...

By [Multiple Creators]