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Sandra Wieser // Teacher
IDOCs » Interested / Not interested in…
A poetic list. A try out. No fixed categories. Could all change. Performance text? Teaching text?

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Interested in…

the body and it's anatomy, noticing physical and mind patterns, slight changes, observing how we achieve our tasks, seeing decisions being made, passing on information, a body and mind that can fight our times, in language, the beauty and the clarity of the bones, seeing bodies as archives of old and new wisdoms, what reminds, behaviors, the act of recalling sensations, remembering through the body, observing communication happening, the folding and the unfolding, the understanding, the nodding, exceptions, what happens to us when we are sleeping, lost cultures, absence, the vice versa of things, finding access to …, loosing access to …, all the science I don't have a clue about, faking, the back and forth of my understanding of things, gaps, practicing spontaneous composition alone and with others, practicing non-logical communication skills, the difference between the body I had when I started dancing and the body I have today, the never aging body, the constantly aging body, our different bodies, the bodies we're not, grounding exercises, repetition, the unique, the becoming of things, animals and people, spacing out, the witches, the subconscious, drawings, our voices, …


not interested in ballet?

not interested in the form? 

not interested in the discussion?

not interested in the explanation?

not interested in the content?

not interested in contemporary dance technic? 

not interested in pilates?

not interested in perfection?

not interested in constantly training my body?

not interested in constantly training other people's body

not interested in competition?

not interested in getting better?

not interested in meditation?

not interested in the third eye?

not interested in alignement?

not interested in developing strong muscles?

not interested in intervening on other people?

not interested in flat tight bellies?

not interested in healing others?

not interested in healing my body?

not interested in the word energy?

not interested in training one specific thing over and over again?

not interested in in the word presence? 

not interested in discussing too much what improvisation is or is not?

not interested in developing a movement style?

not interested in the final answer?

not interested in the preparation?

not interested in the gurus?

interested in all? 

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