The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
Contemporary Dance Organ support Ideokinesis sexuality consent support improvisation organization contact improvisation performance idocde collaboration Organization mooss dance education conference dance organizations voice work breathing organs motivs to move physical awareness functional structures and organic tissue
8 matches found |
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Contemporary Dance and the supportive potential of the organs
This release related series of classes fuse alignment/release aspects, Ideokinesis in the lineage of Mabel Todd, human developmental patterns and the supportive potential of organs...
This release related series of classes fuse alignment/release aspects, Ideokinesis in the lineage of Mabel Todd, human developmental patterns and the supportive potential of organs...
Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting Body politics, li...
Body politics, limits, concent, sexuality, support lab held in Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting
Body politics, limits, concent, sexuality, support lab held in Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting

By [Multiple Creators]

Reflection on the 10th Kontakt Budapest International Improvisati...
This writing has been done after the 10th anniversary Kontakt Budapest International Improvisation Festival. It took place in Budapest, at SÍN Cultural Center between the 28th of...
This writing has been done after the 10th anniversary Kontakt Budapest International Improvisation Festival. It took place in Budapest, at SÍN Cultural Center between the 28th of...
Back in the Kitchen
This idoc is created with the intention of giving voice to all the gourmet "chefs" involved in the preperation process of this web dish called IDOCDE. An ambitious 3 days in is...
This idoc is created with the intention of giving voice to all the gourmet "chefs" involved in the preperation process of this web dish called IDOCDE. An ambitious 3 days in is...
[FFTD] do we need to move out of a...
The sun is shining in snow-white amsterdam and we keep warm and excited in one of the studios of AHK.. "Is the amsterdam group independent or do we we wish to be embedded in ICK...
The sun is shining in snow-white amsterdam and we keep warm and excited in one of the studios of AHK.. "Is the amsterdam group independent or do we we wish to be embedded in ICK...
Touching, sounding and moving from the heart and lungs
Movement and voice class description of the fourth day of a two week teaching period I did at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts in Helsinki. Students for the daily...
Movement and voice class description of the fourth day of a two week teaching period I did at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts in Helsinki. Students for the daily...
dance improvisation / motivs to move
a weekend workshop dance-improvisation with focus on motivs to move
a weekend workshop dance-improvisation with focus on motivs to move

By [Multiple Creators]