In "Motivs to move" I wanted to get the participants down to very basics of physicality, which are enough material to feed on for improvising. (workshop June 26 - 28 / 2015)
- day one we started with half-positions on the ground, sensing contact points, weight. Shifting the body by letting into gravity or getting out of it through these contact points, arriving in a new position to resense where contact points are, let go into or push/pull out of to shift... (physical, gravitational, functional motivs to move). One step further we opened out noticing where the others are, taking the spaces between as other options to give into or go out of, searching the contact through space.
in twos: one gives impulse, the other follows that move; then let go the outsuîf^de impulse and do by your own
- day two: warm up continuously moving with waves, vibrations, "wobbling" into the fluidity and volumes of the body
in twos: one lays on the floor, other does hands on work, first just feeling the breath on chest and belly, then exploring ribcage, then pelvis (exploration for both!). Then start giving small impulses/directions to lead the other's body into movement. After a while let the mover continue on his/her own. Change roles
in the afternoon: search positions in space in the context of relating to others in the group through torso/pelvis. Follow impulses to change positions/relations. What impulse do you follow? Which position do you choose to shift into? Where do you choose to go to?
then we make short pieces, trios
impulse / source <> connection to / relation
torso and pelvis >> relation to
shins >> take us into space
arms >> communication
- day three: warm up continuously moving with focus on opening joints
in twos: hands on to explore shoulderblades and shoulder area, connecting it diagonally to the pelvis. Leave the body to explore moving from the shoulderblades. Then integrate the three ideas: torso/pelvis make relations, shins move you into space, arms communicate. Change roles. Then explore pelvis and hip-joint of a body while it is laying on the floor. Do a short movement exploration after that.
in the afternoon we make pieces.