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language etymology pedagogy Education dance language rhetorics linguistics performative co-teaching contemporary discussion movement and language mapping ecriture automatique Somapoétique Body Memory dance language literature improvisation Exploration experimental Experience philosophy essence being language improvisation dance movement therapy creative writing discussion imagery self reflection body memory embodiment use of language LEAP - local meeting Swiss local meeting choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing teaching Documentation improvisation language sense-making movement performance improvisation organization contact improvisation dance documentation dance documentation Somatics contemporary technique somatics ballet documentation co-authorship recycling site-specific creation score workshop parkinson's inclusive dance play Collective tools perception drawing instant composition authentic movement creative process preparation relationship Improvisation / Game fascia technique composition group improvisation score Duo/dialogue Dance score Drawing contact Teaching abstract documentation class description class documentation Somatic / Contact Improvisation head anatomy reaction Contemporary Dance strengh power improvisation documenting Ana Stegnar Teaching Practice teaching methods Teaching research Ana Stegnar and Body-Mind Centering® BMC® Photography Documentation decisions story public space exploration Improvisation Teaching Feedback Questions Answers look assessment student evaluation improvisation/composition Teaching interests non-interests questions improvisation teaching together Andrew Harwood animals contemporary dance release technique dance extempore Contemporary Dance Juliana Neves improvisation composition dance circus choreography lab symposium activity teaching workshop documentation reflection research teaching documentation Amsterdam Teaching Practice research Poetic documentation memory Image Perception; improvisation Symposium activity Teaching Documentation TTT video documentation reflection Teaching exchange and research Laban/Bartenieff Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection Visual media Documentation Recording Perception returns Video Composition class technique class improvisation/composition questions website practice history performance documentation composition BMC® somatics Contemporary Dance Florance Augendre improvisation Teaching Practice Dance Creation dance education fascia anatomy improvisation documentation Improvisation - contemporary dance Improvisation for performers Exploration Space Class formats sound polyphonic experience choreography improvisation Books Writing Drawing Reading Overlapping Documentation choreography documentation somatics internal martial arts partnering spiraling improvisation IDOCDE flv Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren preparation ritual improvisation co-teaching Contemporary Dance Inaki Azpillaga Robert Hayden water dance Role Experience Sharing recycling idoc documentation feedback texts writing Water collective reconstruction artistic research partners games fun crazy Touch Feedback system Drawing as feedback feedback system mouvement documentation à l'ancienne poetic documentation touch improvisation performance object BMC® Tuning scores BMC® Tuning scores Composition yoga eye-hand coordination documentation as feedback system Lisa Nelson contact improvisation amateurs social body dance improvisation society dance education Teaching Practice methodology Teaching the Teachers Contact Improvisation Teaching Notes Student Feedbacks exercices Contact improvisation technique body intuition Ballet for Beginners Improvisation/Contemporary Dance for Classical Dancers BMC® Tuning scores Contact Improvisation dancing in nature technique and intuition teaching methods "looking" in our brainmap Costume Performance Whirling/Spinning Somatics Improvisation Pushing-Bounderies Higher-Awareness Consciousness Subconsciousness Amplification Somatics Improvisation Breath Work Contemporary Dance speaking and moving improvisational scores playfulness in/out of contact dance improvisation Improvisation Somatic Dance Therapy Life Education Movement Research Skinner Releasing Technique presentation improvisation class music Theory Somatics Improvisation movement exploration society and awareness Eclectic Dances Physical involvment contact-improvisation Contemporary Dance improvisation floor work sharing in home country Improvisation Somatic Integrated dance Environmental dance choreo-lab partnering improvisation & composition Improvisation inclusive dance visual impaired contact sound Tempo Duration improvisation acting movement exploration improvisation contact group releasing technique improvisation contact (Not) teaching method movement and voice breathing improvisation kinesthetics collaboration experiential anatomy improvisation Brasilian Jiu Jitsu strength floor work body sensorial Improvisation Choreography Contemporary Dance duration Contact improvisation somatics intuitive movement connectedness improvisation creativity somatics improvisation Partnering improvisation class salsa all kind of couple dancing with contemporary visual field choreographic protocols movment and documentation movment writing drawing not teaching work with children creative movement mind Exploration Improvisation Skin Somatics Co-teaching Memory Improvisation Learning Exploration Dissemination Exchange Integrated dance Tunning scores Tuning scores Tunning Scores Integrated documentation personal experience improvisation documentation performing Improvisation Dramaturgy Dance Teaching Spoken Word Somatics Writing. transposition of media multitasking guideline scores teenagers action OSDYRE improvisation class creative process contemporary mainly release technique improvisation somatics ballet Form[less]? ballet modern improvisation somatics neuromuscular fascilitation sensorial exchange improvisation live composition all levels silence Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals horizontality real time composition somatics improvisation contact improvisation Training mixed ability advanced Contact Improvisation integration improvisation contemporary sensitivity dance improvisation nature Training Technique class Technique class improvisation improvisation awareness spontaneity interaction dance Instant Composition sensing listening the how more than the what… Movement voice improvisation teaching movement exploration teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography arts and craft Space Laban voice work breathing organs Movement Research motivs to move physical awareness functional structures and organic tissue Group behavior Chance operation Conact Improvisation teaching reflection non-dancers Contact-Improvisation Somatics and other tools for movement creation improvisation composition and performance. somatic teaching functional imagination autonomy somatic teaching improvisation individual group autonomy creativity functionality laboratory work contactimprovisation Class for Improvisation/Composition for a class for dance students at the zhdk . light nature Festival indeterminableness in dancing improvisational dance work graphic art students surfing Music teaching improvisation ear training. class description music appreciation ear training improvisation poems documentation writing choreography Attention improvisation class repertory spine metaphor duet dance education contact improvisation intangible potential Clarification Archive hand-eye coordination relationships dynamics rythm qualities somatics improvisation class body awareness nature elements Cognitive science Embodied Creativity improvisation scores Somatics performance somatics improvisation embodied practice Choreographic designs and Improvisation scores Interdependence and Relation Cultivation of a Physical Culture Flocking Behaviour improvisation politics common good democracy sensorimotor development poetry symposium Lecture isolation somatics improvisation score improvisation and Taiji-partner-work Contact Improvisation mixed ability teaching drawing as refelxive tool Symposium program Video Documentation REFLEX Europe poetry mixed ability contact improvisation Training MAD dance ability Mixed ability Contact Improvisation MAD Dance ability Training documenting mixed ability danceability contact improvisation training teaching Research Teaching strategies experiential anatomy tantra awareness patterns Reflex Track (EX)change Perspective polyphonic documentation multimodal documentation Teaching Practice contactimprovisation Age 55+ Mixed Abilities Poetic feedback Mind Intuition Gaga teaching contemporary professional training improvisation mind the dance democracy narrative common good viewpoints Anarchy Postmodernism Contact improvisation martial arts consent and boundaries technology score improvisation sociology somatic practices real time choreography liquid society Zygmunt Bauman symposium proposal ensemble citizenship Connecting people contact improvisation democracy activism games play dialogue physical listening pedagogy choice-making Film Partner Work Subversive Impulstanz 2016 documentation teaching diversity highlighted space mentally disabled classes Symposium documentation Photography Kitchen Table MINDTHEDANCE Outreach Symposium 2017 Resistance Fantasies edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Improvisation Movement Research Documentation Drawing Visual Landscape documentation practices and tools scores documentation anarchiving Process teaching Modern Dance children dance improvisation imagination technique class description defining terminologies for documentations letter Real Time Documentation Encounter and Context Fasica as Narrator Teachers Exchange teachers meeting festival emotions consent sexuality digital documentation MINDTHEDANCE solo improvisation weight tossing Fake Healing shamanic ritual trios Choreography Improvisation Safety Movement Patterns Lab tried and true teaching questions Report Teachers Meeting facilitation Body Mind Centering Embriology Feldenkrais laboratory rolling Speaking Consent intimacy documentation of artistic research sound somatics improvisation sound improvisation walking listening somatics Contact Improvisation Practice Performing health
412 matches found |
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Use of Language : Levels of Abstraction
The starting point is a photograph of a diagram entitled "Levels of Abstraction" which conveys is something about the relationship of language to experience. I find myself returnin...
The starting point is a photograph of a diagram entitled "Levels of Abstraction" which conveys is something about the relationship of language to experience. I find myself returnin...
1 appreciation 479 views
Learning and teaching, education and pedagogy : gut reactions and...
My relationship to the terms learning and teaching, pedagogy and education both as a gut reaction and through an exploration of etymology (the study of the origin of words and how...
My relationship to the terms learning and teaching, pedagogy and education both as a gut reaction and through an exploration of etymology (the study of the origin of words and how...
1 appreciation 944 views
Body Rhetorics
I'm interested if for anyone else, the issues and notions that come with the idea "Dance Language" are as curiosity provoking and mouth watering as they are for me. I'm workshoppin...
I'm interested if for anyone else, the issues and notions that come with the idea "Dance Language" are as curiosity provoking and mouth watering as they are for me. I'm workshoppin...
1 appreciation 679 views
[FFTD] what is the language we use when guiding?
Sharing teaching in three on the theme of space; The sensation and the experience of the created spaces (inner and outer) brought us to contact improvisation, then to releasing an...
Sharing teaching in three on the theme of space; The sensation and the experience of the created spaces (inner and outer) brought us to contact improvisation, then to releasing an...
2 appreciations 670 views
Body and Language / Mediality and Materiality
A dialogic, performative exploration of materiality and mediality, of language and movement.
A dialogic, performative exploration of materiality and mediality, of language and movement.
0 appreciations 548 views
Somapoétique® Workshop
Understanding a building process from literature to dance. An "existential" reading of literature through dance experience.
Understanding a building process from literature to dance. An "existential" reading of literature through dance experience.
0 appreciations 1011 views
Local Swiss LEAP-Meeting in Basel, 5 September 2014
Presentation of the IDOC, tutorial, introduction to the website, explanation of projects, project activities, personal experiences, reflection on IDOCDE-symposium.
Presentation of the IDOC, tutorial, introduction to the website, explanation of projects, project activities, personal experiences, reflection on IDOCDE-symposium.
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2112 views
Un Packing a Choreographic Practice
How do I start creating? From where do I source the images, questions or input that might become material for performance? How do I translate these into physical material? What ar...
How do I start creating? From where do I source the images, questions or input that might become material for performance? How do I translate these into physical material? What ar...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 717 views
[FFTD] How does breath move (you)?
I have heard "use your breath" so many times in so many different contexts. It is maybe one of the most over used and under explained expressions.
I have heard "use your breath" so many times in so many different contexts. It is maybe one of the most over used and under explained expressions.
1 appreciation 427 views