user avatarsonia ntova Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarAndrea Boll Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarChris Leuenberger Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarmarcella moret Eligible Member // Teacher
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IDOCs » Local Swiss LEAP-Meeting in Basel, 5 September 2014
Presentation of the IDOC, tutorial, introduction to the website, explanation of projects, project activities, personal experiences, reflection on IDOCDE-symposium.

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Participants of the meeting: Andrea Boll, Sonia Ntova, Marcella Moret, Cynthia Gonzalez, Joshua Monten, Remo Jost, Christie Cunnigham, Chris Leuenberger, Myriam Sutter

Andrea and Sonia opend with a presentation of the platform, LEAP, TAB, Symposium. Those who have visited the symposium told personal impressions and we had a look at the program of the symposium. A discussion about what is considered contemporary dance now a days and what somatics is arised and it was clear that many different understandings and point of views are alive.

in the secod part of the meeting we created this idoc all together in order to demonstrate how an 'idoc' can be created on the IDOCDE-website and to experience documentation of practice. 

As a short research on how different use of lanuguage, the choice of words (verbal instructions) influence the performance of an excersie / dance material, we took an exercise from Andrea Boll's class which she was teaching in the morning before the meeting, in Tanzbüro Basel. Some of the participants took the class in the morning and were therefor familiar with the material. Those teachers went through the exercise several times, each time another teacher gave the verbal instructions. The other participants observed and did an attempt to write down the instructions of each teacher, simultaniously. Than also the teachers who performed the task wrote down their experiences and observations:

Andrea's comment on performing the task:.... while doing the excercise with always a diffrent teacher speaking (verbal instruction) you immediately realize how much the use of language, the choice of words do have an impact on what you do and how you do it. The sensation, the physical experience is changing quickly and constantly responding to the voice, tone and personality of the speaker / teacher. The question of what do we teach and what do we want to get across and what is received, is very present. It motivates to investigate!

marcela's instructionsinhale arms up, melt down to the floor, knwee open side, fall to the floor, kick leg to walk , step step step, step through and push to banana shape, ooooopen to the side and roll over your back to the other side and close. kick leg and reach, open and turn around and come up.

chris' instructions: inhale go down to the right side. leading from your tailbone. press down the right knee and then the left knee. drop down to your shoulder, open the right hip, kick and reach from the right heel to take three steps along the floor backwards. stick left leg through to get into banana shape. reach from heels and fingertips to invert the pose, swing left leg on top, knee bent and kick through right heel back to open to big second position, pull yourself into small ball and swivel on sitting bones, take the spiral to standing. 

Sonia outisde observerparralel position, stretch arms up, fingertips rich out, I gradually go to low lever, I push my knee to reach the floor , and I open the other knee., I fall to the side, Kick the knee , and I let the movement travel through my body, I walk backwards, until I bring my self to a side strech (fingers to toes) bring the outside leg inside,again I kick to bring the body in an open 2nd position, Arms follow the movement parrallel above the legs,  Gather the center, to spiral up to come back

Thoughts: I like that I saw direcktly  characteristics of their own teaching, different to each other. And how they were trasnforming the movement from each other, just by using other words.

Christi/ outside observer: AndreaReach up,Shower down, Spiral rocking, Push, kick, reach, walk backwards, banana shape, arch over, walk around backwards, spiral up, Stretch and release (elastic), Inhale, Change from one circle to another .Marcella:Inhale, Exhale sitting bones down, Left leg under loooong,and close (short). Chris:Pirouette, butt pirouette, Lying profile,5,6,7,8.Miriam: Left and Right

Joshua: Here's how I would notate the phrazing and timing of the combination:

Start 6h00 (facing upstage). Plie while swivelling to 0h00 (facing downstage) (1234), push R knee (5), roll flat onto back (678). Walk RLRL to pivot 360o on ground ending 0h00 (1234), banana stretch (567) to roll onto back (8). Arriving facing 6h00 R leg swing (12), opening up into second position sitting (34), passing into butt circle (56), stepping onto L and continuing to turn to arrive again at 6h00 (78).

 Mirjam experienceStarting R1, Arms going from the sides up over the head, fingers try to reach the ceiling/mealting down with your coxis towards the floor and opening the knee to the right/sitting on the right sittingbone and push your weight on the other sitting bone/ again push on the other side and drop down to the floor and lay on your right shoulder/ kick the left leg taking as an impulse to walk backwards/ 3 steps/ the 4. one pushes into the banana position/ open your body on your back and stretch out your four limps on the floor/ close your body into baby position and kick your right leg as as an impulse to sit up into 2. position/ swing your left leg around taking it as an impulse to do one turn on your butt/ stepping on your left leg/ swing around your right foot and spiral up coming on your feet.

Thoughts/ Reflections after teh meeting: ........ please add........ 


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