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dance notation movement writing Water movement Collaboration Choreographic Notation transmission choreographic piece interview Collaborative choreographic process choreographer-dancer relationship creativity choreographic protocols speaking and moving improvisation collaboration choreographic process music Choreographic designs and Improvisation scores Interdependence and Relation Cultivation of a Physical Culture Flocking Behaviour composition class Choreographic Thinking Teaching Beginners Teaching Online
9 matches found |
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[FFTD] Notation of teaching movements.Important or not?
Notation is accurate , efficient, permanent and scientific. It requires a little brainwork, patience, time and a degree of effort. It also requires enough imagination to see at lea...
Notation is accurate , efficient, permanent and scientific. It requires a little brainwork, patience, time and a degree of effort. It also requires enough imagination to see at lea...
In context of the project “collective_acts_of_silent_body_writing” which aims to create non-hierarchical choreographic patterns, based on writing together in silence, the initi...
In context of the project “collective_acts_of_silent_body_writing” which aims to create non-hierarchical choreographic patterns, based on writing together in silence, the initi...
Interview of two choreographers - Transmission of a choreographic...
This Idoc is an interview of Claude Brumachon and Benjamin Lamarche, both choreographers at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes (France), about the transmission of their...
This Idoc is an interview of Claude Brumachon and Benjamin Lamarche, both choreographers at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes (France), about the transmission of their...
A choreographer's approach to a dancer's creativity in a collabor...
Thesis written during my MA in Choreography (2011-2013): Analyzing the collaborative choreographic process and how a choreographer can engage with a dancer's creativity within.
Thesis written during my MA in Choreography (2011-2013): Analyzing the collaborative choreographic process and how a choreographer can engage with a dancer's creativity within.
multiple bodies-documentation-Symposium
This is a documentation of my presentation of Multiple bodies at the Teach me(not) symposium.
This is a documentation of my presentation of Multiple bodies at the Teach me(not) symposium.

By [Multiple Creators]

Article 'Collaborating in the choreographic process: A choreograp...
This article is based on part of my MA Choreography thesis: 'A choreographer’s approach to a dancer’s creativity in a collaborative choreographic process'. The focus of th...
This article is based on part of my MA Choreography thesis: 'A choreographer’s approach to a dancer’s creativity in a collaborative choreographic process'. The focus of th...
Some moving thoughts and insights around a process of creating...
This text is a revision on an article Spaceparticles as Scifi which was written for the Swedish Dance History in 2013. It is a prosaic documentation about the process of experim...
This text is a revision on an article Spaceparticles as Scifi which was written for the Swedish Dance History in 2013. It is a prosaic documentation about the process of experim...