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Body-Mind Centering® improvisation BMC® Contact Improvisation Body Mind Centering Embriology somatics contactimprovisation Laban/Bartenieff body medical body awareness time awareness performing unlearning references/personal references body instincts body of knowledge physicality relationships the doors teacher dance and mind sensorial support creative process automatic writing body and words Body Vibrations relaxation method Aloha body consciousness K3 Proposal Body Weather Contact translation text and body Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren Ballet alternatives experimental hearing the body bar exercises perception mind Movement Research Teaching research contact improvisation amateurs social body Contact improvisation technique body intuition teaching somatic sensation Somapoétique Body Memory dance language literature improvisation Exploration experimental Experience philosophy essence being Somapoétique Dance and literature consciousness body-mind memory Movement Research symbolic choreography kinesthetics intuition embodiment hermeneutic language improvisation dance movement therapy creative writing discussion imagery self reflection body memory embodiment Laban body actions scores movement eating disorder Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Conscious Use of Breath Permeability of the Body site-specific belief systems learning and information exchange creating reality emotional and body awareness Improvisation mapping somatics mind/brain Science Contemporary Dance teaching methods fluidity preparation performance form or formless methods Freedom Mindfulness Teaching methods Teaching research performative practices and devising dancetheatre decolonizing the body mindfully making and unmaking the somatic body states-of-being / Butoh body awareness; physiology; Creative movement; creative process Expression Dance in Cambodia Amrita Performing arts body memory performance Dance Movement Therapy Performance Art Dance Body Playing Limits Deepen knowledge about the movement mechanisms in the body. somatics improvisation class dance education nature elements movement and dance education; arts education; kinesthetic awareness; embodied knowledge; meditation and mindfulness; transformative learning. Somatics Mind mind the dance documentation fascia research horizontality Integrative dance training revisited techniques body-mind perspective Yoga perspective videography photography portraits contemporary dance performing arts feat. fine arts alongside dance floors transformation processes opening channels transforming movement into pictures transforming pictures into movement shamanic potential magic clowning the body is a brain a frame is a compromise compromises are freedom MINDTHEDANCE Reflections Sketches questions tensegrity Outreach Workshop Announcement Mind The Dance Reflex Europe laboratory own practice sharing experiment edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Mind the Dance Lab Fascia as narrator Coaching Scratchin the script tuning body states words score frames of attention what if? digital documentation MINDTHEDANCE Experience Contemporary Dance mind the dance Vienna Impulstanz 2018 Hunting gathering landscape Teaching Practice
74 matches found |
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Class proposal Stolzenhagen
Body-Mind Centering® movement exploration into improvisation into dance. Entrance point: cellular fluid/membrane balance fluidity, resistance, moving...
Body-Mind Centering® movement exploration into improvisation into dance. Entrance point: cellular fluid/membrane balance fluidity, resistance, moving...
Embriology and CI - ECITE 2019
This document briefly shares the flow and outcomes of the Embriology and CI Sharing lead by Alistair Edmundson and a short interview with him and one of the participants of his sha...
This document briefly shares the flow and outcomes of the Embriology and CI Sharing lead by Alistair Edmundson and a short interview with him and one of the participants of his sha...
Somatic Dialogues workshop
A 3-day workshop that brings materials and approaches of three great somatic schools into a dialogue. November 11-13, 2022 This program is also an opportunity to know more ab...
A 3-day workshop that brings materials and approaches of three great somatic schools into a dialogue. November 11-13, 2022 This program is also an opportunity to know more ab...
Play in planes : introducing the dancer's body to the medical wor...
Presentation for doctors on the dancer's experience of their own bodies. The video also shows the demands made on a dancers' body which are quite different from normal people.
Presentation for doctors on the dancer's experience of their own bodies. The video also shows the demands made on a dancers' body which are quite different from normal people.
On Time and Body Awareness
This is a short video and written feedbacks of two dance teachers on a time and body awareness exercise created by Esra Yurttut. She has been doing this exercise for years with dif...
This is a short video and written feedbacks of two dance teachers on a time and body awareness exercise created by Esra Yurttut. She has been doing this exercise for years with dif...

By [Multiple Creators]