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Anne Garrigues Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Description, Comment and sharing about Anouk class
About the practice that Anouk proposes in the Symposium 2014

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I decide to use my IPad to documemt the class, making a little description of the class, sharing feeling and adding two photos and a video : in my IPad, everything is in a "Pages documemt"

After a circle for short presentation, Anouk exclaimed us the theme of her research around the connection between eyes and hands. She is nourrished by the works of Lisa Nelson and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.
Step by step, we connect our "end points" to our navel and play with the 2 triangles : feet-navel-head and hands-navel-tail
After a moment of exploration, we focus more on one hand, visible or not in the visual field, using pauses, breath and closing eyes to scan the experience

I met the waves of my tone, through theses little swifts between movement and perception
It was an effortless state that support my creativity and my aliveness
I resonated a long time after the class with this state, this mood, quiet and open,
The links between perception and movement support a wild reparterning : my relation to the environment was different, more grounded and in the same time, without the feeling of weight, freer, ready to ... It was simple to make choice to do my Idoc.

The group sharing, when we visited one document after another, was a intense moment, I was very moved  by the differen ways of telling or not, naming and listening the silence, drawing, sounding.

Anne Garrigues St Malo, august 2014.

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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
Merci Anne !
ps: je me suis permise de rajouter to Idoc au folder - Sharing Visions.

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