elisabetta daloia
// Teacher

IDOCs » Class plan- release professional class
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This is a plan for a professional class, a company class. It draws inspiration from yoga practice and from the work of Hubert Goddard on gravity and tonic function.

we will begin by ourselves, lying on the floor on our backs
We tune into the breath and experience inhale and exhale as dynamic
We become aware of the inhale as an initiation for extension in the spine, the exhale as the beginning of flexion
Over 10 minutes we explore the range of flexion/extension in the spine riding the rhythm of the breath
We move through lying, kneeling, all 4s, quadrupedy, standing. We observe the relationship between breath and support.
In couples, moving across the room one partner continues the same exploration, the other uses touch to encourage weight and opening through front and back surfaces of the spine
We move into more structured sequences that explore how we arrange our axis while going in and out of the floor
We then expand into moving into space and exploring how the appendicular skeleton organized around the axis when moving, shifting, jumping
We finish with a simple yoga stretch to bring the breath back to the axis and observe our organization at the end of our exploring.
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