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sidonie duret Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Bodies and mass
The workshop is divided in 3 parts, the first is a time for each one to feel his own flesh, the second is about how fleshes can be part of a moving mass, and then the third is to play with this moving mass thanks concret actions.

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1 - Body of flesh : With a partner

- On the floor belly to belly, take a time to feel the breath and the weight of each other. The one on the floor starts  rolling slowly to move the flesh of the other one, until to switch roles.                                                 
3 steps :  feel the weight and breath / move the other flesh / switch roles
 - Keep going with the same thing, but find new ways to give your weight on and with new parts of the body. Create new contacts.
 - Go faster passing through each steps but always keep moving.
 - In this momentum, start pushing the floor to explore the intermediate level, then go up and up until the highest point the 2 bodies can find together. Since they touch it they can go all the way back to the floor into the first state of heavy body.

2 - Create a moving mass : similar experience with several bodies / fleshes

- Into an empty space, each one is gonna lay his body on each other to create a mass again.                  
- the "bodies of flesh" from the base start moving slowly to go up. (As in the first part of the workshop the movement comes from the earth). Bodies and fleshes become one moving mass.                                                   
-This moving mass starts to go as higher as possible to take a breath and then goes all the way back to the floor and become an heavy mass.

3- Play with the mass

Thought the same structure of the "moving mass" including actions such as : To hold / to support / to help / to pull / to go out / to come back.

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