Andrea is teaching:
Spirals Circles Serpentines (Contemporary Dance technique class)
The class focuses on the dancers relationship with the floor (the floor as partner); practices centrifugal, spiraling and serpentine movements in order to move economical; involves breathing dynamic and the release of energy throughout the body as a motor of movement. Movement sequences build up during the entire class in order to train and improve technical and performing skills; strength and flexibility; alignment and joyful, energetic moving and dancing.
together strong (partnering classes / workshops)
Intensive practice of taking and giving weight, lifts and falls based on three principals: leaning against each other and leaning away from each other (equal balance of weight), pushing & following (unequal weight), taking off the weight to arrive to lifts or falls. We improve physical communication with and alertness to one and several partners and challenge our physical and mental stamina.
outside in – inside out (improvisation & composition workshop)
During this workshop we explore different principals to create dance material departing from movement qualities, imagination, sensations, emotions, space perspectives, sounds, words and stories, music or thematic contexts. We create sequences and scenes, play and experiment with deconstruction, enlargement & reduction, approach language as a dance tool and work on solos, duets, trios and group (improvisation) scores.
Choreo-Lab provides space for communication, development of methods and dance material as well as rehearsal and performance situations in different local contexts. The aim of Choreo-Lab is to train, challenge and develop further choreographic skills, and evaluate them. It allows to try out new working methods, different styles and aesthetics and to receive a direct feedback and reflection during the process. Choreo-Lab is a liberating and challenging playground. For the dancers it is a great opportunity to look into and taste choreographic procedure, get to know different choreographers and try out various styles and methodologies.
Examples: http://vimeo.com/89866946 password: choreolab2013 and http://vimeo.com/55236690
urban & nature
Outdoor dance training in exchange with the environment. Overcome obstacles and deal with different undergrounds, practice different variations of site-specific movements. Working with perceptions and senses, using natural elements, surfaces and architecture as inspiration for movement (mapping space with the body).

Since i have been working with Andrea i can say that the class gives you a knowledge and a better understanding of moving economically. it pushes the body and the mind and leaves you with a satisfactory feeling.
Choreo-Lab was a great learning experience with different working methods that are quite quickly changed and shaped in a different way. Fun way to dive into your own better understanding of a work you do or would like to do.
TNX Andrea