user avatarKerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarHui Ye // Teacher
IDOCs » Panel on dance education / IDOCDE Symposium 2013
How to dance today? was a panel discussion at the IDOCDE Symposium July 2013 held at the Vienna International Dance Festival. Panelists: Sebnem Aksam (TR), Kirsty Alexander (UK), Eva Karczag (NL/HU), Rick Nodine (US). The key note speaker was Michael Wimmer (AT).

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"Acquiring kinetic knowledge - thoughts on theory and practice of artistic research in educational processes" Key note by Michael Wimmer (AT)

Working as director of Educult and the Austrian Cultural Service (ÖKS) for many years and with a background as music educator and political scientist, Michael Wimmer gained comprehensive experiences in the cooperation between the arts, culture and education. He is a lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and at the Institute for Theatre and Media Studies, Vienna University. He is a consultant of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Culture and consultant of the Council of Europe, the UNESCO and the European Commission.


„How to dance today?“ A panel discussion.

Prof. Şebnem Aksanis a pioneer in establishing comprehensive and creative dance education in Turkey. Following her education in Arts Educational School in London (1962-64) and Juilliard School in NYC (1965-68) where she developed her vision and defined her mission for the future of dance, she founded the Ballet Department (1974) and Modern Dance Branch (1993) of the MSGSÜ State Conservatory in Istanbul. 

Kirsty Alexander is a certified teacher of Skinner Releasing Technique and has been Head of Undergraduate Studies at Laban, Assistant Director of London Contemporary Dance School and is now higher education advisor to Independent Dance. She is currently funded by the University of Stirling Laboratory for Educational Theory to theorise the unfolding of subjectivity from a kinaesthetic perspective with a view to thinking anew about education's purpose.  Kirsty is Associate Editor of the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices.

Eva Karczag is an independent dance artist. Since the early 1970s practices, teaches, and advocates explorative methods of dance making, utilizing somatic methods. She was a member of the Trisha Brown Dance Company, and on the faculty of the European Dance Development Center (EDDC), Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Rick Nodine After working as a dancer in the 90's Rick became a Lecturer in Choreography and Improvisation at London Contemporary Dance School in 2001. He has been making choreographic and improvised performance work for 15 years.

Kirsty Alexander is a certified teacher of Skinner Relasing Technique and has been HEad of UNdergraduate Studies at Laban, Assistant Director of Contemporary Dance School and is now Higher Education Advisor to Independent Dance. SHe is currently funded by the  University of Stirling Laboratory for Educational Theory to theorize the unfolding of subjectivity from a kinaesthetic prospective from a view of thinking anew about education's purpose. Kirsty is Associate Editor of the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices.


Michael Wimmer (see keynote)


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