user avatarSabina Holzer Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarKonrad Wakolbinger // Teacher
user avatarKatherina Bauer // Teacher
user avatarKerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
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IDOCs » Lost and Found in Translation
Composing experience or how experience is composing us. SOMEX group at the IDOCDE Symposium at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival 2013

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"Lost and found in Translation" oscillates between the performative and the pedagogical. It is about 2 hours long and engages the participants / the audience in a kinaesthetic, visual and tactile mode, next to a cognitive - intuitive linguistic intervention. The key interest is the exploration of translation processes between moving/writing/touching/perceiving.

To read the full description of this event, please go to


For a more practical understanding, this is the sequence of activities in this event:

We started with a verbal introduction of SOMEX group members and short preview of the next two hours

A All participants were asked to lay on the floor: Katherina Bauer lead through a 10 minutes Feldenkrais -ATM (awareness through movment) that focuses on the movement eyes  (with closed eyes) and head.

B Textfragments are read to all participants (still on the floor) by the SOMEX members, who are spread throughout the space. See

C  Participants split up in two groups: Group a sits on a cluster of prearranged chairs, Group b gathers in the free space.

Group a: Mariella Greil and Sabina Holzer move in a score unknown to the participants, while maRia Probst and Katherina Bauer touch and move participants in relation to the Mariella and Sabina, translating fragments of what they perceive.

Group b: Kerstin Kussmaul explains the group a score in 4 parts: 3 parts of moving through the parasympathetic, sympathetic and somatic nervous system, 1 part of automatic writing in the here and now. While the group goes through the 4 parts by themselves, Kerstin joins maRia and Katherina in the touching score.

D The two groups switch roles

E All participants gather in a circle, and in a writing and deducting process developed by "Goat Island" everyone comes up with a word as a gift for the situation shared with the other participants.

 F Sharing and reflecting the experience whith everyone present.



Lost and Found in Translation
Lost and Found in Translation Discussion

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