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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » interview David Zambrano
David Zambrano, interview about "flying low" and "passing through".

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interview Zambrano

After the duet of co-teachers Andrew Harwood & Chris Aiken, this is the second piece of my video collection of teachers-interviews. So far it's only about teachers I met in their workshops.

Here, David Zambrano talks about "flying low", a technic he created (an energetic circulating floor work), and "passing through", a method of group instantaneous composition that he created later.

I asked him also to talk about the links hes mades between his pedagogy and his own performance work.

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Tatiana Galleau // Teacher
Good job Nico ! la contre plongée et la vie du studio en arrière plan sont intéressants.

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Tatiana Galleau // Teacher
Good job Nico ! la contre plongée et la vie du studio en arrière plan sont intéressants.

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