IDOCs » Panel discussion: Documentation as Practice
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Here you can find the conversation about different reasons for documenting practice, and the way that documentation is used and feeds back into artistic practice during IDOCDE Symposium "Return of the idocs" in Vienna.

Excerpts of the panel discussion with Andrea Keiz (DE), Anouk Llaurens (BE), Laura Karreman (BE), Ingo Diehl (DE), Rio Rutzinger (AT).
26 July 2013 at IDOCDE Symposium "Return of the idocs" in Vienna.
Key note speaker: Defne Erdur
Moderator: Gitta Wigro.
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Playable Media (Audios/Videos which are already playable above)Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: flv] KeyNote Panel Discussi 213D
[type: flv] Panel Discussion Part 2
[type: mp3] Full Audio Key Note and Panel Discussion
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