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Lauren Potter // Teacher
IDOCs » ‘Breathing your way from floor to standing.’
My warm up would involve a strong emphasis on weight and gravity using the breath as a movement source and the floor as a partnership to aid the transference, shift and momentum of weight with an ease of connection through the limbs, whilst still maintaining a dynamic and articulate presence. There would be particular emphasis on the play between inner listening and active response investigating the tools that help balance and sustain multiple awarenesses.

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My warm up would involve a strong emphasis on weight and gravity using the breath as a movement source and the floor as a partnership to aid the transference, shift and momentum of weight with an ease of connection through the limbs, whilst still maintaining a dynamic and articulate presence.  There would be particular emphasis on the play between inner listening and active response investigating the tools that help balance and sustain multiple awarenesses.



Lauren Potter is an independent dance artist/teacher.

Originally trained at The Place, she then performed with London Contemporary Dance Theatre, was a founder member of Siobhan Davies Dance, and then worked with companies such as DV8, Rosemary Butcher and Second Stride.  Most recently she has held the post of Artistic Director for ‘Edge’ – The Postgraduate Performance Comapany at LCDS.


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