Link to the conversation
References and texts mentioned during this conversation can be found below
Texts Defne read at the beginning of the conversation for each speaker:
FOR ROMAIN: from Romain's article Nap-ins. The Politics of Rest : http://www.pourunatlasdesfigures.net/element/nap-ins-politiques-de-la-sieste
“Our normal and regular pace was never meant for humans, but instead, a machine-level pace fueled by capitalism’s call to create wealth by any means necessary. I am curious now and always by what can be imagined during a true pause. Now that we are being forced to slow down, will we answer the call to collectively stop to dream, daydream, cultivate silence and rest? I believe we have a magical opportunity to stop. There is power in our rest and in our ability to slow down for the sake of collective healing and mourning. It’s time to rest.”
- Tricia Hersey, The Nap Ministry / https://thenapministry.wordpress.com/2020/03/
FOR ESZTER : from Eszter's personal email to Defne
"...Now we do live sad times with Nancy passing, which I am not yet able to ... what would the word be? ... believe, or accept, or take... too close and too far... and Mary being very ill...
time is a strange concept - passing through Earth is something my mind can not take...
now when dance can not be shared between bodies in the same physical space, when the sensation of others stays imaginary, when bodies can only meet through the memory of the sensation of others or through the imaginary axial lines of our bodies as they are crossing space or Earth... I lose many times the value of my work or the sense of it... I know it will pass, but I'm not sure, or perhaps no one can be sure what we dancers or I as a dancer will become and when ... "
FOR CORINNE : from the draft of an application Defne and Corinne prepared for a project they planned to apply at the beginning of 2020 before the pandemic.
"... a network between practitioners in the arts, the sciences, and the digital learning environment that focus on the three starting points:
How can movement artists, such as dancers, become more affluent in expressing their movement that can contribute to more engagement in deep learning?
How can we transmit shared embodied experiences in a life setting to an online platform so that they can be equally present and be recognised as such?
To which extend are experiential learning or embodied creation already present in digital resources and are they recognised as such?"
Gere, David. How to make dances in an epidemic: Tracking choreography in the age of AIDS. Univ of Wisconsin Press, 2004.
Paul B. Preciado, «Learning from the virus», Artforum, May 1 2020 ; https://www.artforum.com/print/202005/paul-b-preciado-82823
Achille Mbembe, "The Universal Right to Breathe: Colonialism & the Ethics Of Memory" as part of the Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literatures with the title: “Care, Responsibility and Solidarity: Narrating Resistance in Arts, Academia and Activism" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhtCMaEMLGE
A living manifesto written by Dani d’Emilia and Daniel B. Chávez ; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f5Kd91d2u-5F7iTbPfRSyNoHouQVhsLc/view
Achille Mbembe, "The Universal Right to Breathe: Colonialism & the Ethics Of Memory" as part of the Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literatures with the title: “Care, Responsibility and Solidarity: Narrating Resistance in Arts, Academia and Activism" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhtCMaEMLGE
Thank y'all! It was a joy to think-with in your companies.

Thank you Roman. I bring the reference into our idoc up here. It is always a joy to be your sounding board and audience. And once again Thank you Corinne and Eszter, it was such a pleasure to think together with you.