user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDilek Üstünalan // Teacher
user avatarAngela Stoecklin Eligible Member // Teacher
user avataralain caillau // Teacher
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IDOCs » SANKOFA* - Revisiting (In)sights, (Up)dating Realities
This is the proposition of Virtual Residency Group 2 for the 8th IDOCDE Symposium 2020 -- TAKING SPACE MAKING PLACE After our isolation came a renegotiation of our perceptions and the question: what grounding ingredients combine to compose our reality? Our post-selves reintroduced our bodies and our emotions to the sensibilities of living, and to the possibilities offered by pausing and attending to our current state of transition. The reestablishment of personal practices and physically moving with other bodies coupled with our previous confinements initiated our awareness of sensory availabilities present in each moment of both our performative and non-performative lives. Thus our group is embracing this state of transition by tuning into the subtle sensitivities of our senses in the privacy of our living rooms and the openness of public spaces. As we rediscover our daily practices as artists, and as humans, together, we reconsider the significance of transition and sensibility particularly when faced with uncertain, unknown, and unpredictable realities. Not sure anymore what it means to share space, to reach out, or to step forward, we want to share some of our curiosity for play created out of a new inertia. You are invited to join us in revisiting what we had and reshaping what we will discover together. Here you can find the archive of our process building up to this sharing. And notes and scores from the sharing. * Sankofa (pronounced SAHN-koh-fah) is a word in the Twi language of Ghana that translates to "Go back and get it" (san - to return; ko - to go; fa - to fetch, to seek and take) and also refers to the BonoAdinkra symbol represented either with a stylized heart shape or by a bird with its head turned backwards while its feet face forward carrying a precious egg in its mouth. Sankofa is often associated with the proverb, “Se wo were fi na wosankofa a yenkyi," which translates as: "It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten."[1][2] (Wikipedia)

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Story and Corner Stones of SANKOFA Residency

This Residency team has been facilitated by Defne Erdur and Dilek Üstünalan and is composed of Alain Caillau, Angela Stoecklin, Gabriela Zuarez, Imani Rameses, Rebecca, Sezen Tonguz. Zeki Engin Çolak and Wei Xie were at the launching period of this encounter but due to personal reasons could not continue being part of the final symposium period.) 

There has been 7 collective team meetings and several subgroup meetings in the last 3 months. 

The collective team meetings were held on Saturdays at 15.00 CET every other 2 weeks, on the following dates:

18.04.2020,  02.05.2020, 23.05.2020, 06.06.2020,  20.06.2020, 04.07.2020, 18.07.2020  

Based on these 7 meetings the residency took shape in content and form. Below we would like to give and overview of the process we shared with the hope that this can also inform the coming 2 meetings we will host during the 8th IDOCDE Symposium. 

Note for the participants of the symposium: If you participated in the first session (Tuesday 2020 07 21 (atlantic) / Wednesday 2020 07 22 (pacific)) of this group and/or played with these scores, please feel free to share your documentation in this folder (IDOC Floder "Virtual Place For Taking Space #2 - SANKOFA: Revisiting (In)sigh") OR in the shared google folder


After the 4th meeting we decided to share our moments and sensational experiences via whatsapp. this is the code of conduct:

Code of Conduct:

— share video, audio, text

— sharings no longer than 2-3 mins… (short and sweet… in tune with sensory experience… immediacy and spontaneity…)

— share at any time

— share only personal information (reference like things to be shared by mail)

— all shared material stays in the group i.e. confidential

— if anyone needs to share publicly for work etc. they need to get consent of every one in the group

— we start out as the initial 8 people of this 6th of June meeting… Later on we integrate other group members if they will… 


Symposium Session 1 :

5 mins - Gathering Together

15 mins - "Sensing" Practice (by Angela) 

general introduction. orienting to the place you are in with not meaning making, no expectations… being in the current moment, in the current environment! senseing! sensing of the moment: invitation to sense how we are sitting. standing.  laying. looking. hearing. preceiving…  how we are feeling… 

visual sharing — refering to different way of documenting… any thing that makes sense as a document that reflects your experience after the practice. drawing, writing, anything that comes... 

15 mins - Residency Process  Presentation (by Imani with Rebecca, Gabriella)

WebWhatsapp sharing, corner stones of whole process, flow, procedures and themes. sharing how did we met, how did we proceed… relating to our bodies, environments, distancing, sensations among us…

Keywords from Imani :

Sankofa — documenting — creating a diary to go back to our senses and go back to our preselves — to look at what was I attentive to and what am I attentive to now… 

Group Journal — whatsapp — experiences into our lives! 

Casuality, Simplicity, Ease

Being at a space with others

Theme of sensing

New habits into this unknow

How do we process these habits into artistic creation

Being sensitive and responsible about the new pandemic regulations

Politics of meeting other people in public spaces

How we see eachother – social distancing

A new suggestion for how you are perceiving the World

Being aware of spacial arrnagement and contact with others

We are in a transition – a liminal space

Pre/post pandemic self

Being each other’s life line

Simplicity and casualness of having a whatsapp group for sharing – feeling grounded again in our environments, being able to move on

Key Words from Gabriela:

“you can not reconnect with your practice if you can not reconnect with your self first…”

no aim of production — just being you in a moment

Key Words from Rebecca:

Make space for softest and simplest

Direct Access tos hare with each other

sliver of life, return to my self — so much activity repivoting — make space for softest and simplest of connections (easiest, simplist, most direct access to share with each other.  conditions of scores… tedered to myself and to the group… find ways to do that…


15 mins - Sub Groups  Presentations : 

How was the process? what did you cover? discover?  themes? approaches? interests? SCORES

// mutations of the same nucleus…  we started from the same sector… different mutations… came into specific  approaches…  how do we exchange…  documenting — written, audio, video? 


Alain for Group 1 : Imani, Rebecca, Alain 

We took the list of scores and choose one of them.. record and shared it with one another. not rearranging the scores — how we identify emotionally. emotional state…  score was same — attentiveness changed. (smiling practice, feeling imbalanced…)

Imani :  group diary — life line for all of us… allowing us to each to remember to check in with our selves and accountability and a bit of excitement… to be able to share… how do we piece together our pre and post pandemic selves…  

raw, simple and removed from expectation of to be a certain thing… 

feeling grounded again in ourselves…  giving hope to move on… little bit of light — simple small gesture — they do not have to be grand to be full on production…

Alain: medicine — smiling when scared… blind scores are scary in public space…  intimacy …


Sezen for Group 2 : Angela, Gabriella, Sezen 

Rediscovering something a new in your familiar inside space. set of discovering something new in open space… we did not come up with new scores.  it is not totally different.


Summary of Group Foci :

Group 1 

  • simple tasks with blind folds… simplistic tasks…approachable tasks “mundane”, waking score…  
  • emotional relation and how emotional states and experiences… how do we navigate through them. 
  • scores here :

Group 2 


15-20 mins - Breakout Rooms in 2 sub-groups : 

3 mins - CLOSING REMARKS - commitment to play with the scores. we will be meeting on sunday and share our documents based on our score practices. We will be posting the documentation in our IDOCDE folder here (


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