Some main themes for the scores:
-sensory experiences
-public spaces
-social distancing
Below are the scores that have derived from our explorations thus far. You are free to try whichever phase and corresponding scores that interest you and to (re)interpret them to your own curiosities. Enjoy the play!
Phase 1: Solo Scores < Can be practiced alone>
//Crouched- Place the body into a crouched, (small ball-like) position and with closed eyes walk through the space (public space or studio/home).
//Proximity - Place a few random objects into your movement space and then with closed eyes, use movement to explore the sensations of closeness to the objects encountered in space (public space or studio/home).
//A-to-B - With closed eyes, move from one location in the space to the opposite end (try at home/studio then try in public space).
//Rounded- With eye closed move through a circular public space.
//Waking - Upon waking up, close your eyes and proceed to perform your morning routine ( brushing teeth, showering, making coffee etc. etc.) as long as possible (you can document this with sound rather than video, or you can choose not to document this at all).
//Playing with balance – What is it to succeed or fail at balance? In noticing how walking occurs without reliance on sight, the actions of falling, receiving, lifting take on new precarity. In this score, select a place that is more difficult to balance, perhaps on an uneven surface (rocks, forest) or something with unpredictable information (gravel, swaying dock) to help bring awareness to balance as a moving idea.
Phase 2: Duet Scores < Require one other person>
// In the Grocery Store - Take another person with you to record your grocery shopping. Decide on a safety word to use when you are coming too close to other people (we want to continue to practice social distances ;-) For example my safety word was BANANA). Close your eyes and attempt to find a pineapple ( I suggest you wear gloves for sanitary purposes). After you’ve found the pineapple feel free to try the exercise again with a different item, for example I tried to find a bag of beans.
//Living Obstacle - Like A-to-B, with closed eyes move from one location in the space to the opposite end, however ask another person to act as a moving object while you attempt to make it to the opposite end.
//Climb-It- With your eyes closed, climb on to and off of an object (for example I went to a playground and climbed a strange blue structure, but I imagine you could also climb onto a chair or onto a table or some public infrastructure).
Phase 3: Group Scores < Requires 3 or more people>
//Name Calling - With eyes closed, begin with the group in close proximity to one another then slowly allow the proximity to widen by moving away from the group and then together return to a closeness during the changes in proximity each group member is randomly calling out the names of the other group members, using the sound to gauge the proximity.
//Go - With eyes closed, everyone is moving freely with the added opportunity to call out “stop” or “go” as directions that dictate when the movement pauses and begins again.
Note for the participants of the symposium: View the sub-group's documentation around these scores here. If you participated in the first session (Tuesday 2020 07 21 (atlantic) / Wednesday 2020 07 22 (pacific)) of this group and/or played with these scores, please feel free to share your documentation in this folder (IDOC Floder "Virtual Place For Taking Space #2 - SANKOFA: Revisiting (In)sigh") OR in the shared google folder if you have difficulty on idocde.net and could not find answers to your questions by writing to info@idocde.net. Thank you!