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Cadavre Exquis (Exquisite Corpse)
What is it? According to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exquisite_corpse) : Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis) or rotating corpse, is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.
You need a group of participants. You can participate as a 'student' (simply taking the class) or as a 'student/teacher'(both taking class and teaching a section of the class). Decide who is teaching (it can be everyone) and decide an order of teachers. Each person will lead a 5 minute proposal based on a topic. In the 5 minutes before you teach you must leave the room and keep time. You enter the room 30 seconds before you begin teaching. You begin your proposal without interruption/rupture of the previous proposition. There should be a sensitivity to the proposition that already exists in the room.
1... How to choose the topics/themes:
a. You can teach different approaches on the same topic. The objective would be to have many approaches on the same topic.
b. You can provide a limited number of topics (3-4) and choose on your own behalf. The objective is to test the adaptability of the teacher to the situation at hand.
c. When you enter the room you receive the topic (example: someone gives you the theme or you draw it from a hat that is full of wonderful options that are given by the participants/teachers beforehand.) The objective is to test the ability of the teacher to react.
d. You can leave it completely open and everyone teaches what they want (still with a sensitivity to the exisiting proposition when you enter the room).
2... The teacher quotes the previous teacher during their proposition. It can be a fictional quote!
3... Have 3 rooms of different participants and the participants can decide which room they want to be in according to the themes that are offered in each room (which are decided beforehand).
This is a joint effort on behalf of a group of teachers in France invited by Le Pacifique CDC Grenoble. They are Youtci Erdos, Laura Faguer, Laure Leguet, Yves Riazanoff, Nicolas Hubert, Sophie Gerard, Lili Cheng, Celine Perroud and Clint Lutes. The proposition will be led by Clint Lutes in Vienna. Biographies of all teachers available at www.idocde.net.
AIMED AT WHO Everyone. Minimum 5 people. Maximum 60 (flexible).
TIME REQUEST Minimum 30 minutes, Maximum 1:30 (flexible)
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc): Something to keep time
SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): Minimum 10m X 10m; perhaps multiple spaces if option 3 is active.
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[type: flv] Cadavre Exquis
Final text :
Cadavre Exquis / Exquisite Corpse
Led by a group of teachers in France invited to IDOCDE by Le Pacifique | CDC -Grenoble. They are Youtci Erdos, Laura Faguer, Laure Leguet, Yves Riazanoff, Sophie Gérard, Céline Perroud and Clint Lutes. The proposition will be led by Clint Lutes who is an american dancer, choreographer and teacher based in Grenoble.
Biographies of all teachers available at www.idocde.net.
Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis) or rotating corpse is a way to offer different approaches to any subject creating a physical patchwork of 5 minute proposals around one or more topics at a time, for example: time, space or weight (or science or traditional dance or cows…).
You can participate as a 'student' (simply taking the class) or as a 'student