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Defne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Documentation Potluck (Proposition for the Vienna Symposium)
This Documentation Potluck meeting is designed after the know-hows and practices experienced during the founding pilot phase of IDOCDE (some İstanbul, Vienna and Stoltzenhagen practices somehow united here). The meetings creating teamwork environments/situations were found most beneficial by many of the key teachers. Also having even demo versions of teaching times were inspiring and motivating for the attendants and it was fun. Therefore this module aims to bring new (and old) IDOCDE teachers to work joyfully together around documenting their actual teaching practices and also work on the IDOCDE internet site -together with more advanced users around to help.

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- FULL NAME: Defne Erdur  (& some of the İstanbul Teachers)


- PHONE NUMBER: +90 532 603 72 45



- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Documentation Potluck - Documenting What, How & Why? Practical steps into IDOCDE…


This Documentation Potluck meeting is designed after the know-hows and practices experienced during the founding pilot phase of IDOCDE (some İstanbul, Vienna and Stoltzenhagen practices somehow united here).

The meetings creating teamwork environments/situations were found most beneficial by many of the key teachers. Also having even demo versions of teaching times were inspiring and motivating for the attendants and it was fun. Therefore this module aims to bring new (and old) IDOCDE teachers to work joyfully together around documenting their actual teaching practices and also work on the IDOCDE internet site -together with more advanced users around to help.

At the beginning of the session attendants will be invited to brainstorm physically and mentally on “what documentation is, what we document, with what means, for whom and why?” The questions & answers will be addressed by the participants in this first 15 mins.

The 2nd 20 mins. will be spared for clarifying, organizing small groups around these topics and figuring out who will teach, who will take this demo class and then document as participant & who will be just an outsider documentor etc. After this division of labor/roles we will continue with the 3rd phase.

Each teacher will use this next 10 minutes to share “the essence of his/her teaching” and the others will act according to their roles.

Then 4th phase in 10 mins will be to share verbally in small groups what has happened to pin point relevant issues to document.

Then the last 30 mins. will be writing, uploading, trying out idocs, searching for relevant similar idocs etc - i.e. actively using IDOCDE site.

After this work session, I would like to address some of the issues reflected upon and show some created idocs via projector to general public. Not necessarily right after the session. (20-30 mins max)


- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (about 60 words; for publishing)  

This meeting is designed for creating a team working environment for starting to think about documenting contemporary dance and also using IDOCDE website. The proposition is based on the practices and the know hows of the pilot phase of the IDOCDE project.

Benefiting from group dynamics, creating time & space for sharing demo versions of our actual teaching practices and joyfully diving into the actual documenting practice via using the IDOCDE internet site’s tools are the primary aims of this encounter. New comers and also old IDOCDE users who wish to advance in reflecting on documenting and also using the site are more than welcomed! Bring your body, ideas, class notes, articles, books laptops, any documentation tool you think is relevant!

(could not deduce it to 60 words for now. If accepted will try my best)


- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (for publishing)

I am a dance artist working in the fields of performing arts, therapy and education. Along with my sociology education (MA) and copywriting career; I have studied and worked with pioneers in contemporary dance and somatics. Besides, I completed an inter model training on art therapy & creativity. I am also a certified massage therapist, actively practicing the deep tissue release and trigger point techniques towards a deeper understanding of the body as a psychophysical whole.

Today, I continue moving for teaching and collaborating with artists and pedagogues from various backgrounds and cultures. I am regularly teaching and finalizing my PHD at the Contemporary Dance Branch of the Performing Arts Department at MSGSÜ State Conservatory, in Istanbul. Meanwhile, I give workshops in different countries, institutions and festivals, for different populations - i.e. actors, dancers, non-dancers and disadvantaged groups.

I am an executive member of Elim Sende – Support for Culture, Arts and Education Association and ÇATI- Dance Artists Association. I am also one of the founding members of the IDOCDE project.

Artistically, I am mainly interested in instant compositions and site specific performances. Currently I have an ongoing solo performance in autobiographical nature called "in between prayers" and I perform regularly as part of an Istanbul based improvised music & dance ensemble Karosri. 

I see all that I do as an endless enquiry, where I am curiously dancing on the transitive line between art and life.



Aimed at new IDOCDE teachers and IDOCDE teachers to be. Also old teachers willing to advance in documenting thru idocde site...

Min 6 – Max 24 people


-  TIME REQUEST                                                                                                                                                 

min 1.30 mins for the work session. (could be better and more realistic if 2 hours depending on the participant number)

20-30 mins for a public presentation.

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):    

organizing group will provide video cam & photo cam, papers etc. however it would be nice for attendants to bring their own visual, audio etc documenting materials and for sure their laptops to actively work on the site at the end of the session.                                                                                                                                   

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc):

depending on the size of the group - large enough studio – any studio of ImPulsTanz with an internet wi-fi would be fine for the practical part.

For "sharing with public" it could be implemented in the “lectures” section ???


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