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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » co-teaching (interview Andrew Harwood & Chris Aiken, part 2)
A video-skype interview of Andrew Harwood and Chris Aiken, who teach together improvisation and contact-improvisation, since several years. What is co-teaching ? How to teach together ?

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I took two times workshops with Andrew Harwood and Chris Aiken, and appreciated much this tandem, and the content of their teaching.

Curious to know more about co-teaching, I skype-called them while they were teaching together in Montreal.


questions, part two :

- do you always swap or sometimes teach together ?

- is the cost for two teachers a problem sometimes for co-teaching ?

Co teaching - part 2

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Sophie Gerard // Teacher
bravissima , apres discution le voir en vrai c'est super!!!

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