user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarsebnem yuksel // Teacher
user avatarEsra Yurttut // Teacher
user avatarEmre Sökmen // Teacher
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IDOCs » IDOCDE TALKS - Key Teachers from Turkey - Stoltzenhagen Propositon
This idoc is a propositon. Since the Turkish culture is more of an oral culture than a written one, we decided to transmit this way of sharing & forwarding "knowledge"... in a joyful and fun way, here in idocde scene. We have started this video chain we are sharing below and in the IDOCDE TALKS folder, during Stoltzenhagen Teachers Meeting. You can find the guidelines that we -as the Turkish Team- followed in the following page. However, you are welcomed to create "your versions" in independent idocs and add them to the folder "IDOCDE TALKS".

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We have agreed that we are willing to "talk" with some teachers here in Stoltzenhagen and learn more about "their ways" of being a teacher.

We have also agreed that we want to propose a way of documenting which is  joyful, artful, light-hearted and fun. A document on teaching that will be easy to receive.

This Proposition will take place on the 16th of August, from 17:00-19:00. Who wish to participate as an interviewee should sign up on the paper next to the schedule.

Here are the guidelines of our formula:

This will be a score. A score of a strolling interview.

There will be 1 interviewee (any teacher who signs up) and 1 interviewer (one of the 10 members of Turkish Team). There will be 8 stations, occupied by 1 of these 10 teachers from Turkey.

These teachers in each station, will have a question or a task for the interviewee to react to - around his/her teaching practice. And the interviewed teacher will have 1 minute to express his reaction as he is moving from one station to the other or at that station.

1 person (one of the Turkish teachers) will be video recording the whole process.

At the end of the day, after all the interviews are done, all the interviewed teachers will be invited to gather around the 8th (final) station and receive their gift for their contribution and this will also be added to the editing of the final video of each interview.

All the videos of this strolling interview will be uploaded as separate idocs and will be added to the folder "IDOCDE TALKS".

1st station: Aydın's question: Can you please present/demonstrate the essence of your teaching, with or without words as you go down the stairs.

2nd station: Aylin's question: What does teaching mean to you?

3rd station: İlkay's question: Can you please teach me a score in one minute?

4th station: Şebnem's question: To what extend do you spare time in your teaching for written or verbal explanation?

5th station: Çimen's question: Can you tell us an experience that you lived with your students that you can not forget while you were teaching?

6th station: Zeynep's question: When you are teaching you give a very clear task and the students/paticipants do not get it for some reason, what would be your reaction? What do you do?

7th station: Esra's question: Can you tell us about your first teaching experience? 

8th station: Defne's task: What is the place of intuition in your teaching? (Think of the place of intuition in your teaching as you collect the stones and find a way of expressing it as you reach the end.)

While editing the shootings of these playful interviews we have decided to make videos around each question/task i.e station. You can find these videos and also add in your interview version in the IDOCDE TALKS folder


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