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celine perroud // Teacher
IDOCs » artistique class, exchange Stolzenhagen
as an organic seed you growing in and with your environement. Insid/outsid ransmition, mood state, exchange, improvisation, technique

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  • STANDING as a tree, body préparation with body' technologie: 

insid be in  your on body , breding, rhythm, voice, mouvment, outsid connection with the others, peace and quiet.

  • IN BETWEEN siting up and doown

 insid going down towards the floor. Connection with the gravity centre, finding floor contacte with différente part of the body,  connection with your vertebral, with floor contacte,  (play rytmique suspension, peace quiet )  impro outsid connection with the other.

  •  LIE DOWN as a star all body on the floo,  peace and quiet.


  • WAVE in space  from the root to the foliage technique phrases,  groupe connection

photos danse à ¨goûter10 06 12 063
photo charrue cel clo
la fabrique illuminée - 57

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