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Erdos Youtci // Teacher
IDOCs » Mobility and body centering / Disponibilité et centrage corporel
Youtci Erdos, choreographer Cie Scalène / F, developed this Contemporary Bar, between diverse techniques. This proposition involve on a work of breath, a comprehensive physical availability, stretching and physical placement.

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Youtci Erdos, choreographer Cie Scalène / F, developed  this class of Mobility and body centering, between diverse techniques (yoga, contemporary floor training...). This proposition involve on a work of breath, a comprehensive physical availability, stretching and physical placement, on the importance of the sensation, precision of the directions of the body, of every members, the relationship between the center and the extremities.


A comment from Laura Faguer (outside glance) about it :
"When we speak about warm-up in a course, there I find that we are in height in the heart of the matter!
At the end of one hour I had the impression that the body was warm to dance....
Thus a good preparation which returns the available body in...
You used very often oppositions of quality, direction...
For example: Extremities / centre ; Opening / lock ; Fill / empty ; Move closer / taking away  ; Mobile point / Fixed point

And then what was interesting it is to see how the vocabulary which you used resounded in bodies and with the blow not in the same way according to the experience of each but there was some understanding to each.
And to see side by side two bodies: one "worked" by the movement and the other one completely "freshly".

BAT-IGI 0099

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