Perceiving how things are is a mode of exploring how things appear. How they appear is, however, an aspect of how they are. To explore appearance is thus to explore the environment, the world. To discover how things are, from how they appear, is to discover an order or pattern in their appearance. The process of perceiving, of finding out how things are, is a process of meeting the world; it is an activity of skillful exploration. ( - Alva Noë, Action in Perception, p. 164)
It seems like all there seems to be is a fragment of the whole..all is through intricate actions of becoming, of appearing..and it is in this actions..that this whole IS. We tend to forget that intricate web of relations are the constructive vital forces behind the forms..
In this class we will holographically explore the human body to understand self and increase physical potential using tools from Body-Mind Centering® through movement and hands on study.
I would like to focus on how through the discovery and following of the internal structures, we re-align our perception, sensations and expression through the space and time.
We will closely look at the spine and its surrounding structures (rib cage, diaphragm, organs lying next to it). A pathway of bones, a channel for the nervous system web, a central axis, the spine organizes our body internally and externally.
Examining the structures of the vertebras and how their structure changes from cervical to thoraic to lumbar and sacrum, we will explore its internal language of expression, more closely focusing on the details and dynamic pathways internal structures open up if we tune into them. We will explore the dynamic connections between organs and spine, search for their unique creative expression and open the communication channels of the body - mind - space.