user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDilek Üstünalan // Teacher
user avatarBarbara Stahlberger // Teacher
user avatarDaniela Schwartz // Teacher
IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting - ReSoNaNcE LAB
based on (RE)FLEXIONS we had a physical clusstering score of the words and grouped around the papers. photos are of the groups... we will have the video recordings of each groups sharing.... I also gave template to each group hoping that each group will share written reflection of a kind....

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Date - time: 05.08.2019 15.00-16.00 (Lab) & 30 min of sharing afterward

Title of the LAB: Can I be touched without understanding?

Facilitator(s): Bryce Kasson, Jurij Konjar, Alice Godfroy

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

  • The connection with language
  • How the words and dance feed eachother?
  • When and in what way do words appear, when tracing a memory of a dance event?
  • what is the momentum?
  • How to describe the preverbal zone?

Participants: Bryce Kasson, Jurij Konjar, Alice Godfroy


Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):

Discussion + writing score: describe a perplexing remembered event, while observing how the words appear. 

Reflections (discussions,writing, drawings…):

we burned it.


Title of the LAB: Choclate Lab

Facilitator(s): Laura, Markus, Teti

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

Key words from the cards: fear / desire / chocolate / taste

Participants: Ray, Georg, Patrick, Dilek, Michele, Elisa

Documentors: Elisa, Dilek

Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):

  • Gathering around the cards
  • Sharing wishes / desires / interests
  • Eating some chocolate
  • Talking about fear from physical / non-physical aspect
  • Choosing a score: Dancing blindfolded for 15 mins, sharing impressions about how the topics resonate in use while dancing blindfolded

Reflections (discussions,writing, drawings…):

  • Being with another body felt safer
  • I felt safer than many of my other dances (eyes open)
  • I went near the other group on purpose and enjoyed listening to them talking
  • I felt different when I met a person from this group and a person from the other 'gang'
  • Reaching quality is different, more curious

Title of the LAB: Memory

Facilitator(s): Ana, Lewis

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

  • Imagination based on memory (unforgetting)
  • Is your memory interrupting your dance? -> Ana: My history is my dance
  • Loosing memory - choosing to let go - edit/filter
  • Liberation into nonsense - awareness of memory in order to distort
  • Traces / ghosts - environment

Key cards:

  • How the body remembers? How can we understand?
  • slow-ness return memories
  • loosing memory at the time

Participants: Ana, Lewis

Documentors: Ana, Lewis

Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):

Reflections (discussions,writing, drawings…):

How do you dance forgetting and recalling all the time?


Title of the LAB: Survival Toolkit Manifesto Continuum

Facilitator(s): Shura, Bradley, Eric

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

  • The manual of survival
  • Survival toolkit
  • My internal ideologies?
  • Manifesto
  • Supporting / secondary 
  • silence, silence
  • to act not
  • less less less -> what we can practice doing less - to see what emerges

Participants: Shura, Bradley, Eric


Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):


Survival – finding the dance, finding our way, staying

Toolkit :

  • What I’ve assembled through practice
  • Pathways, reflexes, ownership & enjoyment of use
  • The tools themselves get worn & become personalized
  • The tools get better (proved better outcomes through use)

Manifesto :

  • Aesthetics & values within the dance
  • How we craft layers
  • How your partner perceives you
  • How you’re being seen
  • How we care about that perception

We chose to dance in a trio and include the option to report (verbally) in relation to survival, manifesto, toolkit

Our score -> in movement 

Reflections (discussions,writing, drawings…):


Title of the LAB: Cards as scores

Facilitator(s): Joe, Nico, Dani, Barbara, Cleo, Anouk, Alessandro, Jovair, Stephanie, Ilona

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

  • Techniques for vanishing
  • Where the body opens
  • Doing the minimum
  • The embrace of space
  • Can you let go of letting?

Participants: Joe, Nico, Dani, Barbara, Cleo, Anouk, Alessandro, Jovair, Stephanie, Ilona


Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):

Talking about the cards - our favourites; what they mean and their relationships


One person picks a card at random: reads it out loud.

Another person says a number: how long the score lasts (minutes)

A timer is set

Everyone does what they want with the words on card : can talk / move / write / all of them at once

When time is up, stop


Reflections (discussions,writing, drawings…):


Title of the LAB:

Facilitator(s): Eszter, Bronja, Peter

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

Space heart translate

being chosen, choosing

Key cards:

  • I taste things
  • There is no space in me?
  • Do you choose? Are you chosen? Is space choosing you?
  • What helps?
  • No space in me / full of life
  • the heart translates

Participants: Eszter, Bronja, Peter


Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):

in trio:

  • working with touch / 2 people touching 1
  • the receiving person can speak or move (it took 9 mins)
  • then after each round we wrote for 3 mins
  • Finishing with a 1 min dance in front of the yellow mat and film a fast forward replay of our process

heart, emotion, help, space, dropping words, colors, play, performance - many possible translations

Reflections (discussions,writing, drawings…):



This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2019. 

If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact





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Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
Playable Media (Audios/Videos which are already playable above)
[type: mp4ResonanceLabChosenChoosing
[type: mp4ResonanceFearDesireChocolate
[type: mp4ResonanceLabMemory
[type: mp4ReSonaNcE LABs-ContactFestivalFreiburg-TeachersMeeting2019
[type: mp4ResonanceLanguage
[type: mp4ResonanceLabVanishingTechniques
[type: mp4ResonanceManifestoToolkitSurvival

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