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Title of the LAB: Consent
Facilitator(s): Keith Hennessy, Katja Maria Mustunen and Dorte Bjerre Jensen
Date - time: 08.08.2018, 14:30-16:30
This lab was more of a lecture in nature, where Keith Hennessy had a lot to share and open the discussion among the participants. The voice recording of the whole lecture/sharing and parts of participants discussion can be found in the voice recordings.
Key words from the lecture notes below by Defne Erdur.
- stay engaged. experience discomfort. speak your truth. expect non-closure.
- intent and impact : separate that?!
- dancing, edge of dancing, not dancing : agreements for teachers, guidelines…do teachers have power? how do we function that pushes the horizontal? and there are hierarchies…
- Cathleen Rhea
- Brooks Yardley - stories
- Protocol to keep community
- Clarifications needed to keep the people in the community
- Micro-agression : triggers a trauma, accumulation of power — hands touching breasts and genitals.
- this dance form did not come from body work…
- aikido - uses hands differently
- for beginners its super confusing to have both qualities of hands
- endings of dances. how do you renegotiate touch outside of dance?
- saying yes and no - peer pressure : not to teach yes or no but ...
- people - who don't know where their boundaries are? boundaries shift based on the context.
- negative experience - "negativity came later" : 1 hour, 1 day, 1 year later — actually that was creepy. slimed on and I did not feel comfortable.
- personal responsibility - to be deconstructed…
- modeling as teachers…
- meritocracy - we do not have the same capacity - we did not get all the good cards - than you try to figure out what is personal responsibility there…
- how we learn to read the movement of weight… couple - potential - micropolitics of dancing. politics of this…?
- who says the word sex or sensuality - when they are teaching?
- safety, intimacy, drinking water — melt into each other…
This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2018.
If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact defne.erdur@idocde.net.
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: mp3] Consent Lab introduction
[type: mp3] Keith 1 consent continued
[type: mp3] Keith 2 consent continued
[type: mp3] Keith 3 consent continued
[type: mp3] ConsentLAbParticipants