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Laurent Ziegler // Teacher
IDOCs » How dare you to ask!
Emerging practice using Political actions / Proposals that address the how we are being with each other right now right here / Scores / Workshops / Lectures Let us investigate all given senses and re-position ourselves in our spatial context.

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Promoting actions and creative visions in a precarious world - when I think about this title new ideas are coming up on how to face unprecedented challenges on local, national and global levels. But then what means "new"? Does new equal inventing the wheel a second time?

My own artistic and educative practice tought me and still teaches me the sheer amount of wisdom, of knowledge that all of us harbour in our bodies, independend from age, gender, heritage or race. We lost most of the ability to connect to our own, self empowering sources and my proposal is all about that. Key is perception. What do I perceive, how and why? How do I translate the world around me in order to make sense? What senses are involved? Am I conscious of these processes? Recent photographic work and a class I am teaching at the New Design University in Lower Austria deal with these issues. I learned that everything we experience is connected with us and our awareness of it. Doesn't our sensitivity towards it defines our place in this world?

Our place in this world - how dare you to ask! Isn't time up to follow blindly given and pre-set rules? In that sense such painful developments like in the USA, Turkey or Poland are opportunities to rise beyond expectations and empower what we really are, the people. Transformations require a shift of perception and the believe that single ideas make a difference. I certainly don't have the big answers but in my understanding precious answers are always small and most important are the right questions.

I like to propose a lecure/workshop that shifts from the mind-set to the body level, the body as a vessel, a memory based imprint, like a tree. Trees are mindless, a sea of being, a natural habitat, breathing entities open for connection with the senses, persistent story-tellers and silent narrators. There is presence, no intention. A journey without any intention frees us from particular senses that are over-used in our modern world and open the space for a full-bodied sensual experience. I believe we need all our ressources to face the years ahead of us. Some of the questions I like to ask in the process are: What is space and how is space perceived? Am I part of it? What senses are involved and in what way is perception experienced and communicated? How do I situate myself into a landscape? What is a landscape or better - what is not a landscape? If I refer to a memory based structure, then, what is memory? Living in a world that mainly emphasizes on measureable data, let us investigate all given senses and re-position ourselves in our spatial context. The aim of the workshop is not to remain on the surface level but to see the unseen, to inquire what meets the eye underneath the obvious and familiar.

The lecture/workshop is addressed to everyone interested in the topic. I like to use both a studio space as well as have the opportunity to be outdoor, walking on patches of grass. A suitable time-frame would be 2.5 hours, there are no technical requirements.

ledoux theatre of besanc3a7on

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