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Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Training initiative of k3 - Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg
This is a letter we send out to our teachers before they come to teach the morning training with the goal to provide more specific descriptions for our participants. We have been asked for this initiative to be used by other institutions and think it makes sense for any teacher to think through these questions before sending out class descriptions. Feel free to use and repost, and please credit k3 / IDOCDE when you do!

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k3  - Zentrum für Choreografie | Tanzplan Hamburg Training Initiative

Not only at k3, but generally we notice that training descriptions tend to include a number of similarities ( many classes start on the floor with a focus on senses, anatomy, to a more upright situation, moving through space and ending with a phrase) - but at the same time the experience of the class is very diverse, depending on the teacher.

To make the descriptions more helpful for our participants, we kindly ask you to revise your description by answering the following questions for your training in your description as clearly and simply as possible: what do participants receive, learn, experience when they take part? How do they benefit? The idea is to leave out the parts that are shared by many teachers, but rather focus on the specific focus of your class. Thank you!

Please take into an account that the morning class focus is training. In the past it sometimes has happened that the focus shifted towards research or creative workshops, from which we would like to differentiate the morning class. Is there something in your class that participants will be able to apply in their practice? Please answer this and the answers to the following questions in your training text:

- Please name the main components of your class, also in comparison to colleagues, who teach similarly? This can be on any level, material, method, technique – anything that determines the flavour of your class (i.e. working with: spirals, improvisation, fascia, placement, group improvisation, experiential anatomy, floor work, sweating, presence, specific use of music...or anything else).

- What kind of physicality do you evoke? What are the things that makes your teaching special: If they are missing, it would be not your class…

 - What is the main goal of your training / conclusion you want your participants to reach?

 - Does your class include set movement, or not? (Or describe your relationship to form in other ways)

- What expectations do you have of the participants in your class?

- We have introduced a box with the percentage of components, to give the possibility to describe your class on an intuitive level. See: would you describe the percentages of your training?


The class description should have a maximum of 500 characters; your short bio a maximum of 400 characters. If possible, we kindly ask you to send us the class description in English (and German, only if available). Please also add a title to your class description!

We sincerely hope that the extra effort and time will help us to communicate better with our community of dancers, and maybe it is also an opportunity for you to reflect on your class inmidst of all teaching, performing, travelling and researching that make up your work life!

If you repost or reuse, please credit
Thank you!

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