user avatarUlla Mäkinen Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarFrey Faust // Teacher
IDOCs » Capacity of language - Interview with Frey Faust
As part of the REFLEX research on documenting contemporary dance, Ulla Mäkinen will interview Frey Faust and discuss his work with Axis Syllabus and his approach to documenting. This interview will be a part of the REFLEX tool&guide manual aimed for inspiring contemporary dance teachers to document their work.

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- FULL NAME: Ulla Mäkinen

- PHONE NUMBER:+358 40 773 5776


- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY:   Capacity of language - Interview with Frey Faust on documenting dance

 Ulla Mäkinen outreach proposal for  REFLEX Europe



As part of the REFLEX research on documenting contemporary dance, Ulla Mäkinen will interview Frey Faust and discuss his work with Axis Syllabus and his approach to documenting.
This interview will be a part of the REFLEX tool&guide manual aimed for inspiring contemporary dance teachers to document their work.

"The most common form that recording takes in my case is in writing. But... why write down anything?
Writing is evocative, rather than definitive. It leaves room for, even requires, the imagination and participation of the reader.
Writing is also a self-educational tool. When you write something down, you may notice what you are missing in your own understanding, and also see how your understanding evolves over time. So even without a reader, writing is valuable in itself.

Writing is a way to announce and transmit ideas for re-elaboration and further expansion to those who are far away, or those who come after. The ingenious aspect of written laguages is not merely their capacity for precision and accuracy, but in their capacity for varying degrees of interpretable vagueness: metaphor, inference, allusion and ambiguity. The freedom to infer represents an equal freedom to interpret, invent, to add or subtract to the description. We can lose our fear of a language when we are allowed to play with it, to see it as a way to create context for creativity and creative sharing." - Frey Faust



REFLEX Europe explores the practice of documentation and how it can be utilized in a reflective process in teaching. In both IDOCDE and LEAP the participants noticed that documentation has the potential to feed back into the teaching of dance, improving the quality of the teaching, deepening historical connections and developing the analytical and creative potential of the teacher.

REFLEX Europe researches multi-modal documentation practices and creates the REFLEX tool & guide consisting of a manual and a workshop to facilitate the learning process through documentation.



 As part of the REFLEX research on documenting contemporary dance, Ulla Mäkinen will interview Frey Faust and discuss his work with Axis Syllabus and his approach to documenting. 

This interview will be a part of the REFLEX tool&guide manual aimed for inspiring contemporary dance teachers to document their work.



Ulla Mäkinen is a lecturer of dance and director of the contemporary dance education of North Karelia College Outokumpu. She has graduated from the MA program of contemporary dance education in HfMDK Frankfurt a.M and worked as a freelance dancer and dance teacher around Europe and North America since 2004. Currently she is in the Axis Syllabus teacher certification process and one of the REFLEX Europe research group members.


all welcome. outside people will be invited. Aimed to IDOCDE participants and other ImpulsTanz participants, people knowing Frey's work and Axis Syllabus and those who are new to it. Also aimed for the CI dancers to link it to the CI theme of this year's festival.


-  TIME REQUEST: 1 hour on Sunday, before the Underscore                                                                                                                                                              

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):   



something to write on (flip chart+pens)                                                                                                                                                              

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc):

size for fitting enough audience. chairs.




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