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Marta Peres // Teacher
IDOCs » Dance, Diversity and Nature Elements
This workshop purposes a brief description/experience of my classes at Paratodos Project (paratodos means “for all”) and the biomedical sciences disciplines I teach at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) in Dance Graduation – physiology and kinesiology. The Paratodos classes group is composed by neighbours (from different ages, 60 and older), patients from psychiatric hospitals (Pinel and IPUB), wheelchair users and a rehabilitation institution for blind people (I. Benjamin Constant). They not only come to dance but they also read and discuss university contents - anatomy, prevenction, health, disability studies and so on. We study the body structures from a dance perspective, making a review of Laban, Sá Earp and Vianna`s concepts, theories of human movement and arts. This workshop purposes a creative movement research – individually, in pairs and in groups – based on the nature elements – air, fire, earth and water - and body systems (Bartenieff, Bainbridge-Cohen, presocratic phylosophers). We want to invite disabled persons to come to the workshop. In the end, each group will present its own artistic creation.

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- PHONE NUMBER: 55 21 25412807                  


”Dance, Diversity and Nature Elements”


This workshop purposes a brief description/experience of my classes at Paratodos Project (paratodos means “for all”) and the biomedical sciences disciplines I teach at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) in Dance Graduation – physiology  and kinesiology. The Paratodos classes group is composed by neighbours (from different ages, 60 and older), patients from psychiatric hospitals (Pinel and IPUB), wheelchair users and a rehabilitation institution for blind people (I. Benjamin Constant). They not only come to dance but they also read and discuss university contents - anatomy, prevenction, health, disability studies and so on. We study the body structures from a dance perspective, making a review of Laban, Sá Earp and Vianna`s concepts, theories of human movement and arts. This workshop purposes a creative movement research – individually, in pairs and in groups – based on the nature elements – air, fire, earth and water - and body systems (Bartenieff, Bainbridge-Cohen, presocratic phylosophers). We want to invite disabled persons to  come to the workshop. In the end, each group will present  its own artistic creation.

SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing)        

This workshop puposes an experience based on my classes at Paratodos (“for all”) Project and the biomedical sciences disciplines I teach at Dance/UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) – physiology  and kinesiology. This workshop purposes a creative movement research – individually, in pairs and in groups – based on the four nature elements and body systems (Bartenieff, Bainbridge-Cohen, presocratic phylosophers).

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)

Marta Simões Peres is a teacher at UFRJ – Dance Department/Sports and Physical Education -, PhD in Sociology, Master in Health Sciences (UnB), Physical Therapist and Dancer (Angel Vianna School). Marta teaches biomedical disciplines and coordinates Paratodos (it means “for all”) a Project which offers dance classes to anyone who is interested in participating including psychiatric patients, wheelchair users, blind persons.


anybody who wants to participate including wheelchair users and blind persons (+ 16 years old).

-       TIME  - 2 hours

-       REQUEST:                                                                                                                                                                  

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc): 

audio (CD or pendrive)                                                                                                                                                                       

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): dance class room (just a good floor)


Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: pptint biomedicas 2015

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