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Christina Gehrig Eligible Member // Teacher
Aim: Teaching Improvisation/Composition for students for dance at the the ZHDK in Zürich. -Time: 2-3 classes of 75 min. -This is a class I teach but always try to change or add other things when teaching in the moment, in order to be flexibel on how the group is translating my inputs. I am open for feedback, critics, questions etc. thanks chris

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Aim of the class:

  • Observing the movement style of somebody and describing it.
  • What choice do you make when choosing material of another dancers improvisation/what is your taste and focus.
  • Creating a movement phrase out of the dance material of another dancer.
  • Two dancers making a Duet together out of  he dance material/phrases created together.
  1. Warming up: everybody at the same time in space

Improvisation in space the teacher gives inputs of change in different state of mind. This is done to experience different ways to improvise and break out of own patterns.

Everything is open use of voice, abstract etc.

Examples: State of mind/Zustände

  • Silly+ Stupid=albern, unsinnig
  • Liquid=fliessend
  • Tired=müde
  • Nervous=nervös
  • Soft=weich
  • Hyperactive=hyperactive
  • Restless=ruhelos
  • Strong=stark
  • Proud=stolz
  • Trembling, Shivering, Shaky=zitternd
  • Round=rund
  • Elastic=elastisch
  • Angular=eckig
  • Repeating=wiederholend
  • Elegant=elegant
  • Stiff=steiff
  • Linear=linear
  • Crawling=kriechend
  • out of control=unkontrolliert
  • Seductive= verführerisch
  • Crippled, Stunted =verkrüppelt
  • Creeping, sneaking=schleichend
  • Resistant=mit Wiederstand
  • Wobbly=schwankend
  • Happy=fröhlich
  • Mad= angry,böse,
  • Airy=luftig
  • Jumpy=hüpfend
  • Heavy=schwer
  • Dominant=dominant
  • Animal like=animalisch
  • Floating=treiben lassen, schwimmend, schwebend
  • Ugly=hässlich, abstossendSpeaking=sprechend/redend etc........

 2). 2x2 observing the dance language of another person/reflecting/putting in words what the dancers does and verbalising it, mirroring in words and body.

  • Take a partner 

 Music: to give enough space to be in an own flow

Observing/describing the dance of another dancer:

  • Two people together, A is improvising and the other B is looking/observing what are the style, handwriting of his partner. Does he stays in similar patrons or breaks it soon. What is the style of the person, how does the person use time, Space, dynamic, Body.  Associations when watching etc.
  • Than the observer the B person makes an improvisation of the movement style of his partners coping his style or dancing the essence of what he/she saw.
  • Both meet and exchange. The A person verbalises first what he saw (because in this round he was the dancer first and is in a way speaking about himself)
  • Short sharing of observations together.
  • Change around the B person first starts to improvise.

3)  Instand Choreogrphy: Music: Stillness/ or music  

  • Two people choose to work together. One is the Choreographer and the other the dancer (after they will change).
  • A person is improvising and the B person is observing and choosing the material out of the improvisation of the dancer by the following tools:

Tools/text: which the choreographer is using to getter the material out of the dancer.

  •  Change: the state of mind you are in, the movement quality
  • -Repeat it: repeat the last small movement phrase you where just doing (the dancer is choosing)
  • (If the choreographer doesn’t say to keep the short movement phrase the dancer goes on to improvise and drops the last phrase)
  • Keep it; the dancer remembers the last movements and keeps it
  •  Go on: Go on improvising

 The dancer and the choreographer work together until they have a phrase of about 8-10 short movements put after each other without making transitions. The Choreographer is leading the session.

  • Change the roles of being choreographer or dancer.

4) Composition: create Duet 2X2 from the two phrases

  • Creating a Duet together with the your own created phrases. The material of the Duets is the Material to use, keep the order of your own phrase.
  • Define your space
  • Both use the phrase but can change the time, dynamic of it (not the order oft he movement)
  • Have moments of meetings or partnering
  • Make a loop: you start where you are ending.

Showing the Duets to the other people of the class

  •  The teacher is adding music to it in the moment.
  •  bring a music with you which you think is adding something more to your duet


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Christina Gehrig Eligible Member // Teacher
I appreciate all comments and questions! greetings Christina

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Andrea Boll Eligible Member // Teacher
Dear Christina

I very much enjoy reading this detailed description! it is inspiring and super clear, thanx!

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Christina Gehrig Eligible Member // Teacher
Liebe Andrea, Danke dir hoffentlich war Wien klasse...habe an euch gedacht. Wünsche dir alles gute und viel Kraft Liebe Grüsse Christina

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