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from horizontal to vertical trough rocking exploring axis and belts

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                                                                               Weekly practice

                                                             tools for performing arts professionals

(actors, musicians, dancers, puppeteers, ...)

3 hours

each friday morning

Corps Objet Image

TJP – CDN d'Alsace, Strasbourg

  • for yourself, lying on the back

auto massages

→ creating common (vocabulary, references), “taming the animal”


  • 2 by 2


; ↕

looking for where to push and pull to not use too much strength than what is necessary

(shoulder + pelvis ↔ ; ankles or head ↕)


  • talk : sharing with your partner about this experience

    all together being stand up

  • observing central axis

→ in front of the spine

ischio, bladder, small intestine, left part of the liver, right part of the heart, trachea, esophagus

imagine a clear light coming from the floor between your feet up to head via the axis


  • talking about the belts, bones and muscles

observe and name

ex : scapular, pelvis, diaphragm, perineum,

symmetrical joints : ankles, knees, hips

eyes, jaws, …


for yourself, a time to explore all that

from lying on the floor up to being stand up

voyaging with axis and belts

navigating between moments where you decide and moments where it happens

observing how you go on again when it's emptying


  • move the axis

in one direction

in the other

one axis related to the other :

right / left

up / down (half of the body, different levels, …)

!! always coming back to the center


very small amplitude

staying same place

changing level

until being sit

and standing up



naming the motors to find out again the sensations related to the previous experiment (being rocked by another person → from where does it starts when our alone ?)


sharing talk in small groups (3-4 people)


standing up : spiraling, 3 dimensional, tibetan drum


key words : anchorage, supports, directions


another time to dance or to move for yourself full of those experiences



2 by 2

1 like a tree

the other giving directions and sensations about axis and volume ; you and not you ; space around

spine sky floor (3 x)

tha air around, moved with a cloth


axes plans 789

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