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The 3rd LEAP Local Meeting of Tanzwochen Wien took place in Budapest on the 9th of May, 2015 at the SÍN Culture Center on the 9th of May, 2015, from 2 to 6 pm.
Kerstin Kussmaul, Eszter Gál (facilitators) and Zsuzsanna Rózsavölgyi, Enikő Szilágyi, Janka Balogh
1) Introduction of IDOCDE and the project LEAP, sharing experiences of the documentation process and the LEAP activities and introducing the 3rd Symposium (its theme, program, and ways of participation)
2) Sharing teaching metholdogies:
- How I use surrealism in my dance pedagogy? Janka Balogh introduced her approach to train non professional teenagers with contemporary technique and improvisation and share her research on surrealism. After her explanation of how and why she works the way she does, she lead us into an improvisation (real time composition) to explore and see how we take intructions, releate to the images / music / or silence. This exploration was followed by a discussion. See her document on her work attached.
- How to teach a demanding repertory?Zsuzsanna Rózsavölgyi raised a specific question about teaching a repertory piece of hers to students at Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance.
3) closing reflections on the meeting and the 2 year project LEAP
Janka: This was the first time I took part on a Idocde meeting.The main benefit for me was that the idocde website was introduced to me with its huge database of teachers`s publications. I am sure it will be helpful to find new ideas to refresh my approach on dance pedagogy, get in contact with other teachers and sharing my works on teaching methods.
Eszter: The LEAP meetimg was a beneficial exchange of diverse practices. The specificity of approaches Janka and Zsuzsanna introduced and the questions arose from them guieded the discussion and there was a direct learning from each other. There were concrete suggestion/ideas how to deal with students and material as well as clarifying Janka's and Zsuzsanna's teaching circumstances. I left with satisfaction and hunger fpr more exchange like this.
Zsuzsanna: The LEAP session was for me like a personal coaching on how to communicate with my students. Teaching movement sometimes easier without talking. But teaching a choreography, a piece, with a specific concept is very difficult if I only want to show what and how to do it. After addressing my questions Eszter, Kerstin and Janka made me realize I need to become a motivational speaker. If students find their motivation to do it they will grow into it. They will gain physical strength through doing the material, which will allow them to deepen their concentration. (Read more in the PDF)
The very short video shows the last circle response to the very rich 4 hour exchange by looking into the camera with or without words.
Click a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
Zsuzsa LEAP BP 2015.pdf
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: pdf] Zsuzsa LEAP BP 2015
Playable Media (Audios/Videos which are already playable above)
[type: flv] LLM Bp2015

Thank you very much to the facilitators (Eszter and Kerstin) and all of participants for this wonderful experience! We had very interesting discussions,talking about the LEAP project, the website (how it is working - www.idocde.net), different possibilities of documentation, new techniques of sharing and teaching methodologies.
I am very inspired to use these experiences in my work, in my teaching, in my life...