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erika pirl Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » movment into form
Here I will talk about a Workshop recently held for non-dancers at and Art academy symposium in late January.

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In late January Myself and Two other Friends, who come not from a dance background but have their own expeirances as artists working in theater and performance domains, The three of us having a strong sensitivity to  body language as a means of communication came out with an collaboration workshop. Our idea was to propose a workshop for our Winter symposium (for our MA studies in Art ),  one where  we could move, explore diferent typs of movment learn from eachother but not be really lead or dictated anything spesific. 

 To work in silence with eachother as much as silence can be held,  and have a chance to be outside. 

We also were neeing to document this for our univiserties archive. So we came up with an idea to turn our movment baced workshop into a small booklet. 

This lead to the fallowing way that our workshop to place and tooks it's name movment into form. 

The idea was that we went for a walk around the city,

we would chose places we would lke to work with, then we could spend some extra time in those places and have a few exersizes as a group. 

for example in one place we stood in a circle and one persom decribed in one word at a time the place and what they were feeling in this place , we responded with our bodies to those words. noting in our minds what was happining why those words lead to those movments. 


in another place we stood in a circle and one person who felt like it was a good time gave a movment very subtle to start and we reacted to it fallowing the intesity but with our own movment until as a group we were at a very high level of energie moving freely and then to slowly back to balance of nutural energy. 


We also had  to tme to listen  to and observe places we liked. We also did miroring exersices in pairs of two or three. 

Then our next step was to go inside, to by reflecting on the place we liked the most , and try to think of a text,peom,or song that we like, that this place made of think of without pre-deciding or thinking to much. 

now, in groups we went back out to the places in small groups. 

in the plces we had to share our text by transimiting it to our group through the body  language through movment. Everyone in the group then wrote a new text, based on what they saw or felt that the mover was trying to tell us. We went on untill everyone had seen every one in their group. 

then for the book making we made for everyone a small booklet which included the first text of everyone, and the taxt that we wrote for them based on their dance. 

I think it was a wonderfull expeirance and hope this might give you all some ideas, 

it was great to realize every one can move if he wants to, and can try to interprete something and everyone can write if they want to. a fun way to discover new body language that we might not always be awear we have, and to discover new ways to write if maybe you never sat down to write a poem or kept a jurnal. It is always interesting to surprise ourselves especially when having a creative down. 

There below I share what is some parts of our booklet documentation at the end os the workshop. 

they might be hard to read as we thought it is important that we keep hand writen origional things as they hold the trace of the authors gesture. but I hope you can get the idea. 




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