IDOCs » how form gives a sensation
proposal for symposium 2015

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Tamás Bakó and Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi


PHONE NUMBER: 0036-2099-52078







How form gives a sensation





In 2014 we worked on Old Pond, a piece where we wanted to see how external forces can shape our movements and create a form on our bodies. We focused on environments where gravity is different than the gravity that shaped our bodies on earth. We used imaginary environments: 

We put our bodies under imaginary high pressure and create movements with this image, we explored deep see creatures for inspiration. The other condition was no gravity condition which starts to spin. 

During the process we found that giving an illusion of a high pressure world and a no gravity surrounding takes a lot of work on finding the right form for the right sensation. We worked out a method where two or three people are supporting one person on their buoyant movement. And that is where our question comes: Is it necessary to fix those movements in order to give a perfect illusion or is it possible to create the form and sustain the quality for a long period of time? We worked out a pedagogical system how to warm up and strengthen the body to be able to carry a heavy load in slow motion without using momentum. Without momentum the usual contact and partnering movements can become too heavy. To lift light we need to teach very precise skills. We figured out how to give the weight of the body lightly and receive it slow and smooth using the jiujitsu technique: pull and push at the same time. 

In our session we would like to work with the tools we used to create the illusion of no gravity. We are inviting interested dancers and teachers who are not afraid of receiving the weight of others and interested in the question of how can we teach a precise form using improvisation?



SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing)      


How can we create a form from a bodily sensation? In our session we would like to work with the tools we used to create the illusion of a body under no gravity. We are inviting dancers and teachers who are not afraid of receiving the weight of others and interested in the question of how can we teach a precise form using improvisation?




SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)


Tamás Bakó gives classes in Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, SEAD and Parts. 

Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi after finishing Parts she danced for Rosas for 5 years and now gives classes at Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy and SEAD. 

They created many pieces together. In their work they use lots of partnering techniques and they are interested in how bodies interact.





For dancers and teachers interested in partnering and improvisation. As many as can fit in the room.




-  TIME REQUEST:    from 1 to 2 hours.                                                                                                                                                            


- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):          audio and projector                                                                                                                                                                         


- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): Middle size or big



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