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André Meyer // Teacher
This dance workshop will focus on the interactions of sound, respiration and moviment by a creative dancing technique approache. Relationships between moviment and sound possibilities will be explored by: 1- creation of diferents sounds produced by the respiration, voice, body percussion, objects and musical instruments; 2- interactions of onomatopoeic sounds, silabs, words, phrases, poems and texts with the moviments of the body parts and the body as a whole; 3) recreation of musical instruments and its interfaces with moviment improvisation; 4) moviment creation with sounds produced by the manipulation of papers, liquids, chothes and others objects and issues. All this procedures will be explored in an detailed way in many bodly situations in the space, in diferent bases of support, either individualy, in duets, in trios, and smalls groups. This dancing workshop proposal is based upon the Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals. This fundamentals have an ensemble of epistemologically and methodically principles which are capable of instituting body language diversifying agents. Reuniting itself in the scientific and aesthetic act withing the dance practice in the integrated development of motor abilities, interpretative and creative.

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This dance workshop will focus on the interactions of sound, respiration and moviment by a creative dancing technique approache. Relationships between moviment and sound possibilities will be explored by: 1- creation of diferents sounds produced by the respiration, voice, body percussion, objects and musical instruments; 2- interactions of onomatopoeic sounds, silabs, words, phrases, poems and texts with the moviments of the body parts and the body as a whole; 3) recreation of musical instruments and its interfaces with moviment improvisation; 4) moviment creation with sounds produced by the manipulation of papers, liquids, chothes and others objects and issues. All this procedures will be explored in an detailed way in many bodly situations in the space, in diferent bases of support, either individualy, in duets, in trios, and smalls groups. This dancing workshop proposal is based upon the Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals. This fundamentals have an ensemble of epistemologically and methodically principles which are capable of instituting body language diversifying agents. Reuniting itself in the scientific and aesthetic act withing the dance practice in the integrated development of motor abilities, interpretative and creative. Earp's conception posits dance the wide-scoped knowledge, including the "science of dance" where intuition works the basic foundation and its epistemology is made of an open type of knowledge by "Dance Parameters" namely: Motion, Space, Shape, Dynamics and Time. These parameters allow establishing access points for multiple connections within the realm of dancing. The Dance Parameters and Its Agents of Variation are analyzed and explored considering que corporeality is unique and multiple and it manifests itself simultaneously as movement, space, form, dynamic and time. In this manner, they are shown in systematic relations references capable to generate a kind of access to body actions stimulating interdisciplinarity, benefitting the interaction between dance and other artistict languages as well as other knowledge areas.


- PHONE NUMBER: 55 32 91802829 / 55 32 84269274




This dance workshop will focus on the interactions of sound, respiration and moviment by a creative dancing technique approache. Relationships between moviment and sound possibilities will be explored by: 1- creation of diferents sounds produced by the respiration, voice, body percussion, objects and musical instruments; 2- interactions of onomatopoeic sounds, silabs, words, phrases, poems and texts with the moviments of the body parts and the body as a whole; 3) recreation of musical instruments and its interfaces with moviment improvisation; 4) moviment creation with sounds produced by the manipulation of papers, liquids, chothes and others objects and issues. All this procedures will be explored in an detailed way in many bodly situations in the space, in diferent bases of support, either individualy, in duets, in trios, and smalls groups. This dancing workshop proposal is based upon the Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals. This fundamentals have an ensemble of epistemologically and methodically principles which are capable of instituting body language diversifying agents. Reuniting itself in the scientific and aesthetic act withing the dance practice in the integrated development of motor abilities, interpretative and creative. Earp's conception posits dance the wide-scoped knowledge, including the "science of dance" where intuition works the basic foundation and its epistemology is made of an open type of knowledge by "Dance Parameters" namely: Motion, Space, Shape, Dynamics and Time. These parameters allow establishing access points for multiple connections within the realm of dancing. The Dance Parameters and Its Agents of Variation are analyzed and explored considering que corporeality is unique and multiple and it manifests itself simultaneously as movement, space, form, dynamic and time. In this manner, they are shown in systematic relations references capable to generate a kind of access to body actions stimulating interdisciplinarity, benefitting the interaction between dance and other artistict languages as well as other knowledge areas.

- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing)                                                                                                                

This dance workshop will focus on the interactions of sound, respiration and moviment by a creative dancing technique approache based upon the Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals. This fundamentals have an ensemble of epistemologically and methodically principles which are capable of instituting body language diversifying agents in the integrated development of motor abilities, interpretative and creative.                                                             

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)

André Meyer Alves de Lima is doctor of Education, Dissemination and Management in Biosciences (UFRJ), has been developing researches on the interaction of dancing with science.


Ana Célia de Sá Earp is an associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, artistic director, teacher and choreographer of UFRJ Contemporary Dance Company.



Dancing students and teachers.

Min: 20 / Max: 40



02 meetings of 180  minutes                                                                                                                                                                

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):                                                                                                                                  

Audio equipament for play back and live music with at least 05 microfones for amplification of musical instruments that are used this dancing workshop.                                                  

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc):





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