user avatarKerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarSylvia Scheidl Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarMariella Greil // Teacher
IDOCs » Nothing
Is nothingness the ultimate formless? And how could we translate nothingness into movement?

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- FULL NAME: Mariella Greil, Kerstin Kussmaul, Sylvia Scheidl

- PHONE NUMBER: is known :-)



- DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (150 words or more): Nothing. Discussion and movement research

Is nothingness the ultimate formless? And how could we translate nothingness into movement? We will lay out some ideas of the relationship of concepts of death in some religions and the number zero. Dipping into philosophical questions, answering them by researching in movement ideas of being / doing. Coming to be - Passing away. In our own research we arrived at Presence as how to relate to the (movement) material, discussing different aesthetic approaches. This is an invitation to share our process with you: By informing you about some of what we found out in our research, discussing some concepts and their relevance to dancing and performing, and by physically exploring some of the scores we developed in relation to these concepts.

Mariella Greil, Kerstin Kussmaul and Sylvia Scheidl research nothingness as part of the Somex group - a Viennese group of dancers, bodyworkers and teachers researching questions around movement, touch and somatics.


- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing)  
Is nothingness the ultimate formless? And how could we translate nothingness into movement? We will lay out some ideas of the relationship of concepts of death in some religions and the number zero. In our own research we arrived at Presence as how to relate to the (movement) material, discussing different aesthetic approaches. This is an invitation to share our process with you, in discussion and communal movement research.                                                                                                                                                                       

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)

Mariella Greil is a performer, choreographer and researcher living in Vienna. Currently Key Researcher in the research project “Choreo-graphic Figures. Deviations from the Line” where she examines the choreographic means in its expansion.

Kerstin Kussmaul is a movement researcher, artist and teacher with a background in a range of somatic methods, most notably Myoreflex, based in Vienna / Austria. She is also a musician and founder of IDOCDE.

Sylvia Scheidl is a dance pedagogue and movement researcher with a strong background in release techniques, ideokinesis and contact improvisation, based in Vienna / Austria.


Anyone interested in researching these questions in movement.


-  TIME REQUEST:  2 hours                                                                                                                                                                 

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):    possibly audio                                                                                                                                                                              

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): studio for movement, max 15 people


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Angela Stoecklin Eligible Member // Teacher
The theme of "nothingness" in movement reminded me of the political act of dancer Erdem Gündüz, who stood still for hours on Taksim Square, Istanbul to demonstrate against what had happened in Gezi park.
NOT moving was a stronger signal than moving.
What if all dancers stopped moving to protest against odd cultural politics?
What if we didn't offer theaters our dances anymore when we do not agree with their politics?
In the end they depend on our movement and cooperation. If we offered them "nothing" would they find ways to get us back?

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