what is teaching?
does it exist?
what is my experience of teaching?
what is creating?
what is my experience of creating?
is there a difference between teaching and creating?
is there a difference between creating and creating?
is there a difference between creating and living?
creating an art piece, creating a dance class, creating a hairdo, creating a pumpkin soup, creating a thought, creating a movement, creating a life
creating with our bodies
with our hands, with our hearts, with our souls, with our minds,
with the whole of ourselves,
with the whole of who and how we are
can we expand our creative potentials?
can we expand our creativities?
can we expand our creations?
can we expand our perceptions?
can we go out of a studio and have a walk with creativity?
where is the space for creativity within life?
where is the space for creation within life?
what and how is the space of creativity?
what and how is the space of creation?
can we expand creative spaces within our bodies?
can we expand creative spaces within our souls?
can we expand creative spaces within our minds?
can we expand creative spaces within ourselves?
can we expand creative spaces within our lives?
inspired by the questions and responses within the material "Artistic traces and potentials in the process of teaching"
Aleksandra Ścibor
6 February 2015
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