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Christy Funsch // Teacher
IDOCs » 100 prompts for detachment=freedom
A conversational, idea-generating, experiential workshop supporting the benefits of daily practice. Together we will develop 100 prompts and enact them all, speed-dating style, before assessing and editing for effectiveness. How can each prompt be tailored to feed creative, somatic, and academic practices? How can the cumulative effects of dailiness keep us out of product-mode?

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Name: Christy Funsch

Phone: 1.415.902.5371 (Skype name ChristyFunsch)

Title of activity: 100 prompts for detachment=freedom

Detailed description: “100 prompts for detachment=freedom” is a conversational, idea-generating, experiential workshop supporting the benefits of daily practice. Value is placed on ongoingness instead of working towards accumulation or product. Together we will develop 100 prompts and enact them all, speed-dating style, before assessing and editing for effectiveness. How can each prompt be tailored to feed creative, somatic, and/or academic practices? How can we reap the cumulative effects of dailiness while staying out of product-mode? How can we unleash content from form and detach from “behaving” to expand daily practice beyond attending technique class?

“100 prompts” is adapted from my “100 days=wild” score created for San Francisco colleagues Rowena Richie and Erin Mei-Ling Stuart, separately, throughout 2014. While its original intention was to support solo choreographic practice, as a score it is applicable to all creative, somatic, and, I believe, academic/theoretical studies. It offers a unique opportunity to free oneself from end-gaming, fixing, constructing: form loses its strict edges and allows for billowing release.   

Following this workshop, we leave each other and the supportive structure of group-think. We stay connected and enlivened through apart, however, while following our own daily paths, each of us, alone.

Summary description: A conversational, idea-generating, experiential workshop supporting the benefits of daily practice. Together we will develop 100 prompts and enact them all, speed-dating style, before assessing and editing for effectiveness. How can each prompt be tailored to feed creative, somatic, and academic practices? How can the cumulative effects of dailiness keep us out of product-mode?

Bio: San Francisco-based choreographer, performer, and educator Christy Funsch is the Artistic Director of Funsch Dance Experience. She holds an MFA and is a certified Laban Movement Analyst.  She has enjoyed residencies at CounterPULSE, Djerassi, U Cross, and Yaddo. Christy was in mentorship with Tere O’Connor throughout 2013, and she was named one of Dance Magazine’s “25 to Watch” for 2014.

Aimed at/how many:  This workshop/gathering is aimed at educators, students, choreographers, performers, and theorists. It is suited for groups of between 10-50 people.

Time request: The workshop is three hours in length, although it can be shortened to two-and-a-half hours. I am available to attend the festival and offer this workshop any time during Impulstanz prior to August 10th, 2015.                                          

Technical requirements: dry-erase board and markers. Participants should bring something to write with and on.

Space necessity: Ideally this workshop will take place in a studio large enough for all participants to enjoy its experiential possibilities. If need be, it can also take place in a classroom in the format of a lecture/discussion.

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