Authentic Movement - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants and the facilitator Anastasia Leto of Authentic Movement Sharing during ECITE 2019.
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants and the facilitator Anastasia Leto of Authentic Movement Sharing during ECITE 2019.
Feldenkrais ATM into Round Robin - ECITE 2019
This document briefly shares the flow and outcomes of the Feldenkrais ATM into Round Robin Sharing lead by Anya Cloud and Noa Dar during ECITE 2019, and a short interview with both of them...
This document briefly shares the flow and outcomes of the Feldenkrais ATM into Round Robin Sharing lead by Anya Cloud and Noa Dar during ECITE 2019, and a short interview with both of them...
Embriology and CI - ECITE 2019
This document briefly shares the flow and outcomes of the Embriology and CI Sharing lead by Alistair Edmundson and a short interview with him and one of the participants of his sharing.
This document briefly shares the flow and outcomes of the Embriology and CI Sharing lead by Alistair Edmundson and a short interview with him and one of the participants of his sharing.
Authentic Relating Exchange Group - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants of Authentic Relating Exchange Group reflecting on their shared experience during ECITE 2019.
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants of Authentic Relating Exchange Group reflecting on their shared experience during ECITE 2019.
The Cacao Lab - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of Ola Hasia and a participant about the Cacao Lab she lead during ECITE 2019.
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of Ola Hasia and a participant about the Cacao Lab she lead during ECITE 2019.
Ukraine CI Teachers Meeting - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of some of the Ukranian CI teachers reflecting on their community meeting during ECITE 2019.
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of some of the Ukranian CI teachers reflecting on their community meeting during ECITE 2019.

By [Multiple Creators]

ECITE - Past, Present, Future : Meeting Notes
These are notes taken during the ECITE 2019 meeting by Defne Erdur on the discussions and sharings about the past, present and future of ECITE. They are very quickly written notes that are n...
These are notes taken during the ECITE 2019 meeting by Defne Erdur on the discussions and sharings about the past, present and future of ECITE. They are very quickly written notes that are n...
ECITE 2019 jorney.
Thoughts about Ecite during the conference and after.
Thoughts about Ecite during the conference and after.
Tried and True Lab - ECITE 2019
documenation of questions and propositions in the tried & true lab happening at ecite 2019, facilitators: Phoenix Fly and Frederic Holzwarth Pleas add/adapt
documenation of questions and propositions in the tried & true lab happening at ecite 2019, facilitators: Phoenix Fly and Frederic Holzwarth Pleas add/adapt
Contact as out-of-control body practice
Long ago, I had a vision of CI as a field for exploring boundaries and limits. But it seems like no longer working model. I (and we) are seeking the ways to loose control. So my Contact Impr...
Long ago, I had a vision of CI as a field for exploring boundaries and limits. But it seems like no longer working model. I (and we) are seeking the ways to loose control. So my Contact Impr...
Cut the Bullshit Exchange Group - ECITE 2019
This document is a brief report of the Cut the Bullshit Exchange Group — fascilitated rotatingly and reported by Dan Farberoff during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video interview report of...
This document is a brief report of the Cut the Bullshit Exchange Group — fascilitated rotatingly and reported by Dan Farberoff during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video interview report of...
CI Performance Practice Exchange Group -- ECITE 2019
This document is a brief report of the CI Performance Practice Lab — fascilitated and reported by Aiste Janciute and Jennie Zimmermann during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video report of th...
This document is a brief report of the CI Performance Practice Lab — fascilitated and reported by Aiste Janciute and Jennie Zimmermann during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video report of th...
Sharing Cool Moves Exchange Group -- ECITE 2019
This document is a brief report of the Sharing Cool Moves Lab — fascilitated and reported by Ryan Deluz and Frédéric Holzwarth during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video interview report o...
This document is a brief report of the Sharing Cool Moves Lab — fascilitated and reported by Ryan Deluz and Frédéric Holzwarth during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video interview report o...