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IDOCs » CI Performance Practice Exchange Group -- ECITE 2019
This document is a brief report of the CI Performance Practice Lab — fascilitated and reported by Aiste Janciute and Jennie Zimmermann during the ECITE 2019 meeting. The video report of this lab will be added to this file soon.

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Facilitator: Aiste with participating Olga, Maxim, Jennie

CI Performance Practice has been a Lab. After a collection of what we are interested in to talk/ share /do together we agreed to begin with a 20 min movement frame.

Interests that we collected in the first talk were:

What tools are helpful to raise awareness inside a group working with Instant Composition?

What formats of performance do we know, can we share, are we connected to?

What audience can take a performance, receive, value it? Which forms of dialogue do we know/ use to talk about what we do?

The different ideas and needs framed our 20 min movement improvisation:

One had the option to

move alone / with others



By having shared ideas about performance practice before the improvisation and by being familiar to improvisation this short movement frame was joyful and rich in different aspects:

composition in space, use of objects, rhythm, repetition, imitation, improvising solo and in dialogue, CI , stillness, witnessing.

After the 20 min we took some writing and talking time.

Other topics that we talked about:

A performance can be an activity where everybody is involved in a facilitated space.

A performance can be a showing for an audience, that not has been involved before.

durational performances, installation work 

showing something vs. transmitting something

witnessing vs. watching

CI performance-Aiste-Jennie

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