IDOC Folders » . "teach me (not)!" - Vienna Symposium 2014
Created by Defne Erdur (Editor) // Admin | 2013.12.1941 IDOCs
[FFTD] From 2-D to 3-D: What...
During Anouk's session on 'Sharing Visions, we explored vision, texture and embodiment through eye-hand coordination. The work with eyes and hands invited an increased sensation of the 3...
During Anouk's session on 'Sharing Visions, we explored vision, texture and embodiment through eye-hand coordination. The work with eyes and hands invited an increased sensation of the 3...
[FFTD] Centric Circle Movements
Centric circle movements as a barometer, as a visual meter, a beginning start into the TEACH ME(NOT)! 2ND IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM ON CONTEMPORARY DANCE EDUCATION
Centric circle movements as a barometer, as a visual meter, a beginning start into the TEACH ME(NOT)! 2ND IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM ON CONTEMPORARY DANCE EDUCATION
2nd IDOCDE Symposium_Impressions
Please upload your pictures from 2nd IDOCDE Symposium! (The page might load slowly 38MB... in total :-)
Please upload your pictures from 2nd IDOCDE Symposium! (The page might load slowly 38MB... in total :-)

By [Multiple Creators]

Flee Market for Education
Based on their weeklong collaboration & final "playground" sharing the international group of Budapest TTT teachers are representing their process and outcomes on open structured, non-hierar...
Based on their weeklong collaboration & final "playground" sharing the international group of Budapest TTT teachers are representing their process and outcomes on open structured, non-hierar...

By [Multiple Creators]

The IDOCDE forum during the IDOCDE Symposium 2014 is a meeting place for new & experienced members at the IDOCDE website, with time for questions around IDOCDE, its ideas and how to use it f...
The IDOCDE forum during the IDOCDE Symposium 2014 is a meeting place for new & experienced members at the IDOCDE website, with time for questions around IDOCDE, its ideas and how to use it f...

By [Multiple Creators]

"teach me(not)!" panel discussion
An open panel discussion about the relationship of the teacher, learner and the material in dance class, possibly touching on subjects such as (flat) hierarchies, autonomy, methodologies, an...
An open panel discussion about the relationship of the teacher, learner and the material in dance class, possibly touching on subjects such as (flat) hierarchies, autonomy, methodologies, an...

By [Multiple Creators]

Proposal for Non-Hierachical Teaching Lab
We propose a lab where we will create a field for sharing, where participants can bring questions and statements, and where we can discuss and explore the essence of non hierarchical teachi...
We propose a lab where we will create a field for sharing, where participants can bring questions and statements, and where we can discuss and explore the essence of non hierarchical teachi...
teach me (not)! 2nd IDOCDE Symposium Vienna, August 1st-3rd...
"Learning in the gap between feeling and expression" is a setting which whishes to reflect intellectually and physically on the process of learning by relating the claims of Jacques Rancièr...
"Learning in the gap between feeling and expression" is a setting which whishes to reflect intellectually and physically on the process of learning by relating the claims of Jacques Rancièr...
Rewriting Distance
Guy Cools, Lin Snelling. Workshop/Lecture offering for IDOCDE (teach me not) conference.
Guy Cools, Lin Snelling. Workshop/Lecture offering for IDOCDE (teach me not) conference.
Dancing at an advanced age _ Lecture & Workshop
This lecture & workshop - with elderly people as guests - is intended to motivate young dancers and dance teachers to learn about different body therapy methods. The experienced physical st...
This lecture & workshop - with elderly people as guests - is intended to motivate young dancers and dance teachers to learn about different body therapy methods. The experienced physical st...

By [Multiple Creators]

HOME, working with children from children homes
A presentation of the didactical methods that were used in the project HOME, a project in which a group of dancers worked with groups of children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and...
A presentation of the didactical methods that were used in the project HOME, a project in which a group of dancers worked with groups of children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and...
multiple bodies
A workshop exploring improvisational structures or scores.
A workshop exploring improvisational structures or scores.
"Come together, be together, work together"/Symposium propos...
Workshop on reflecting and exchanging. We explore themes like commitment-non commitment, collectivity-individuallity, rules -no rules, the changing of the roles from teaching to participatin...
Workshop on reflecting and exchanging. We explore themes like commitment-non commitment, collectivity-individuallity, rules -no rules, the changing of the roles from teaching to participatin...

By [Multiple Creators]

On Teaching and the Importance of Being Not - a Seminar
The core questions behind On Teaching and the Importance of Being Not - a Seminar are: What are the skills a person needs in order to live and work (successfully) in today’s environment?...
The core questions behind On Teaching and the Importance of Being Not - a Seminar are: What are the skills a person needs in order to live and work (successfully) in today’s environment?...
IDOCDE Symposium Proposal - When Collaborations Match
The proposal for this workshop is to zoom in on different types of collaborations, looking into the choreographer-dancer roles and the teacher-dancer roles. In the workshop we will try out d...
The proposal for this workshop is to zoom in on different types of collaborations, looking into the choreographer-dancer roles and the teacher-dancer roles. In the workshop we will try out d...
Submission to LEAP: Partnering Beyond Genres
Submission by Jack Gallagher and Marcella Moret to co-lead a lab work session entitled "Sustaining Creative Directions in Partnership: Beyond Genres"
Submission by Jack Gallagher and Marcella Moret to co-lead a lab work session entitled "Sustaining Creative Directions in Partnership: Beyond Genres"

By [Multiple Creators]

Dance to idocde: documentation through video [2014 edition]
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology: Hands-on workshop
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology: Hands-on workshop
Sharing Visions - proposal for IDOCDE Symposium 2014
A proposal to share Visions, my on going research about poetic and multi modal dance documentation. A two hours session that will combine a video presentation, a sensorial exploration,...
A proposal to share Visions, my on going research about poetic and multi modal dance documentation. A two hours session that will combine a video presentation, a sensorial exploration,...
Proposal: Seeds of Dance-Phenomenological approach to dance
“Seeds of Dance-Phenomenological approach to dance” is a series of methods which focuses on making dancer, as well as non-dancer obtain sharpen sensitivity to communicate with the enviro...
“Seeds of Dance-Phenomenological approach to dance” is a series of methods which focuses on making dancer, as well as non-dancer obtain sharpen sensitivity to communicate with the enviro...
The Axis Syllabus VS Rolfing
The Axis Syllabus VS Rolfing – an interdisciplinary exchange in pursuit of a healthy movement practice.
The Axis Syllabus VS Rolfing – an interdisciplinary exchange in pursuit of a healthy movement practice.

By [Multiple Creators]