IDOC Folders » . "teach me (not)!" - Vienna Symposium 2014
Created by Defne Erdur (Editor) // Admin | 2013.12.19

(This IDOC is not public)
Some material that came out during Anouk Llaurens session
This Idoc was made to share what I personally found out during this session, triggered by the physical exploration proposed by Anouk Llaurens, but also trying to figure out how to respond t...
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By Maria Ines Villasmil Eligible Member
2    3085

Symposium Reflections - On Teaching and the Importance of Be...
a short reflection on before/during/after the Symposium
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By [Multiple Creators]
0    3547

Feedback 3: Teaching dance without teaching dance
This is of what I have been thinking since I participated at Teach Me (not).
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By Ryuzo Fukuhara
0    2432

What is the shape of your visual field ?
During the symposium, a mirror was available for people to play the score: What is the shape of your visual field? Here are some pictures of the mirror in situ.
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By [Multiple Creators]
2    3678

An extract from 'The emancipated spectator' by Jacques Rancière, a text presenting Visions and pictures of an installation at Bains Connectives, Brussels.
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By Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member
0    2708

[FFTD] How to "Thank You"?!
As I was trying to find ways to thank all the 2nd IDOCDE Symposium Survivors, I came across this link and could not stop myself from sharing it with all IDOCDE supporters here!!! THANK Y...
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By Defne Erdur Eligible Member
2    2492

Feedback 2: A story from
This is the story, Salamander, I yarned in the session "Rewriting Distance".
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By Ryuzo Fukuhara
0    2557

Feedback 1: following the session
In order to share the information of the exercises which I led in Teach Me (not), I describe them again. These are the tools for improvisation.The improvisation can be considered as a kind...
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By Ryuzo Fukuhara
0    3519

[FFTD] Food for the Day at 2nd idocde Symposium 2014
This is how a food for the day looked at the 2nd idocde symposium in Vienna in 2014. A sweet treat with a serious message to work with for the day and to share with other.
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By Martin Streit Eligible Member
0    2613

[FFTD] From 2-D to 3-D: What...
During Anouk's session on 'Sharing Visions, we explored vision, texture and embodiment through eye-hand coordination. The work with eyes and hands invited an increased sensation of the 3...
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By Roos van Berkel Eligible Member
3    2948

[FFTD] Centric Circle Movements
Centric circle movements as a barometer, as a visual meter, a beginning start into the TEACH ME(NOT)! 2ND IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM ON CONTEMPORARY DANCE EDUCATION
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By Martin Streit Eligible Member
2    2621

2nd IDOCDE Symposium_Impressions
Please upload your pictures from 2nd IDOCDE Symposium! (The page might load slowly 38MB... in total :-)
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By [Multiple Creators]
1    3301

Flee Market for Education
Based on their weeklong collaboration & final "playground" sharing the international group of Budapest TTT teachers are representing their process and outcomes on open structured, non-hierar...
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By [Multiple Creators]
1    3189

The IDOCDE forum during the IDOCDE Symposium 2014 is a meeting place for new & experienced members at the IDOCDE website, with time for questions around IDOCDE, its ideas and how to use it f...
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By [Multiple Creators]
0    3550

"teach me(not)!" panel discussion
An open panel discussion about the relationship of the teacher, learner and the material in dance class, possibly touching on subjects such as (flat) hierarchies, autonomy, methodologies, an...
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By [Multiple Creators]
0    3589

Proposal for Non-Hierachical Teaching Lab
We propose a lab where we will create a field for sharing, where participants can bring questions and statements, and where we can discuss and explore the essence of non hierarchical teachi...
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By Heléna Hrotkó
0    3777

teach me (not)! 2nd IDOCDE Symposium Vienna, August 1st-3rd...
"Learning in the gap between feeling and expression" is a setting which whishes to reflect intellectually and physically on the process of learning by relating the claims of Jacques Rancièr...
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By Sabina Holzer Eligible Member
1    3358

Rewriting Distance
Guy Cools, Lin Snelling. Workshop/Lecture offering for IDOCDE (teach me not) conference.
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By Lin Snelling
0    3995

Dancing at an advanced age _ Lecture & Workshop
This lecture & workshop - with elderly people as guests - is intended to motivate young dancers and dance teachers to learn about different body therapy methods. The experienced physical st...
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By [Multiple Creators]
4    3856