The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
creation documentation Teaching Education Dance Creation dance education somatics Somatics Somatics for dance creation. Dance creation Somatic and Visual Art. dance documentation reflection polyphonic experience artistic research partners chance scores teaching and creation Teaching and Creation teaching creating creation space life choreography Space Somatics and other tools for movement creation improvisation composition and performance. teaching philosophy preparation attitude performance landscape inspiration / assessment abstract documentation class description class documentation Teaching Practice Release Class dance and mind personal creative process interdisciplinary approach Contemporary Dance strengh power improvisation documenting Ana Stegnar Teaching Practice teaching methods Teaching research Ana Stegnar technique improvisation essence of teaching Matthew Smith support automatic writing body and words Partnerwork Hands-on Student writing experiential anatomy soft activism pragmatic modes of teaching Sabina Holzer Vienna local workshop contact improvisation research Teaching research selfportrait interaction common authorship Improvisation Teaching Feedback Questions Answers Teaching interests non-interests questions improvisation rules autonomy classes students co-teaching teaching together improvisation/composition Andrew Harwood contemporary dance teaching job composition movement perception Somatic work children teaching workshop documentation reflection research teaching documentation Amsterdam Teaching exchange and research symposium activity teaching methods interview Teaching Documentation TTT CI Movement and Dance Therapy Symposium activity Documentation water street observation Voice questions Contemporary dance tecnique teaching quotations contemporary discussion language somatics Contemporary Dance Florance Augendre improvisation Teaching Practice translation text and body Dance and Music education preparation ritual improvisation co-teaching sacrum sternum occiput BMC Louise Chardon anatomy somatic sensation contemporary dance teaching methods partnerwork education BMc Florence Augendre contemporary dance pelvis teaching focus research teaching learning Saturday Morning Class: Andrea + snapshots of gatherings idocde conference Wien July 13 class: to let go and begin again recycling class two sides of touch Vienna symposium video Jenny Beyer Antoine Effroy Alexander Kerschner perception mind Movement Research Teaching research tool box David Zambrano Flying low Passing through Composition teaching Touch and Movement influences Somatic local workshop Charlotte Darbyshire Gaby Agis Henrietta Hale Fiona Millward Andrea Buckley Scott Smith Rick Nodine Kathryn Crick Lauren Potter Amy Voris Eszter Gal eye-hand coordination documentation as feedback system Lisa Nelson Contemporary Dance Class formats Teaching Methods movement and language mapping ecriture automatique pedagogy dance education Teaching Practice methodology Teaching the Teachers Contact Improvisation Teaching Notes Student Feedbacks exercices Somatic movement joint perception connected and isolated joints Yoga SI (Sacroiliac) Joint Pain Therapeutic technique research weight balance gravity Space time awareness rhythm Contact Improvisation dancing in nature technique and intuition "looking" in our brainmap somatic sensation body awareness site specific / outdoor dance training and movement research Older Adults Laban/Bartenieff Teaching Music and Dance relations Somatics Movement Analysis literature poetry preventative effects free from aestetical concepts anatomical understanding artistic source speaking and moving Reflection Exchange Teaching learning non-hierarchical teaching exchange around Idocde teaching questions teaching local meeting LEAP meeting LEAP Teaching Residency Zürich teaching residency Somapoétique Dance and literature consciousness body-mind memory Movement Research symbolic choreography kinesthetics intuition embodiment hermeneutic movement exploration society and awareness desription image touch and being touched teaching modern jazz courses workshops contemporary dance choreography Education LEAP LEAP meeting local meeting teaching institutions guest convention Developmental Pictorial workshop Space and Perspective dialogue reflection on methodoligies use of languague in teaching / choreographing Somatics Teaching Energy work Meridian stretches Makko Ho Do In facilitating teaching dance performance teaching practice (Not) teaching method Poetic documentation movement and voice breathing improvisation Process belief systems learning and information exchange creating reality emotional and body awareness somatics teaching terminology teaching exchange Theory and Practice Research choreographic protocols Lecture-Performance teaching methodology analysis Lecture-Performance sharing Introduction Perception and creativity documenting movment and documentation movment writing drawing not teaching helpful games/exercises education knowledge (not) teaching body consciousness fluidity Teaching dance methods self-development power abuse hierarchy teaching teaching life Exploration Improvisation Skin Somatics Co-teaching Moon Practise Gathering Amsterdam LEAP Teaching Residency practice performativity Improvisation Dramaturgy Dance Teaching Spoken Word Somatics Writing. class teaching experience networking LEAP ultimate phrase fun and it relaxes the lower back! fun 3rd Swiss LEAP-meeting local meeting Switzerland Bern "Teaching Form[less]?" teaching and artistc practice learning form theme and variation school teenagers action Teaching and creating Co- teaching Form and formlessness Symposium Reviewed. Luis Lara Malvacias workshop at Le Pacifique DCD Grenoble France: Resistance Delay Accumulation and Mobilization. Teaching Form[less]? developmental movement patterns contents and forms Teaching methods Teaching research performative practices and devising dancetheatre decolonizing the body mindfully making and unmaking the somatic body states-of-being / Butoh dance class and workshop presentation improvisation class Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals teaching workshop reaction hybridization dramaturgy hand balancing Acrobatics Opening inquiry time Teaching Residency program Moon Practice archive Expression approach to dance Form[less]? shared teaching Practices with some principles and techniques of contemporary dance movements teaching movement exploration Contemporary Dance technique teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography arts and craft Space Laban Impulstanz motivs to move physical awareness functional structures and organic tissue Conact Improvisation teaching reflection non-dancers words choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing methodology combined techniques somatic teaching functional imagination somatic teaching improvisation individual group autonomy creativity functionality Softness and mildness are the main characteristics of this method. To develop strength flexibility and coordination in a process in which instead of working with too much strain the musculature must flow. The specific exercises of The method concentrates on movement mechanisms of the musculature. teaching children dance with material theater Festival site-specific teaching floor work TAB teaching kids toolkit artistic practice Music teaching improvisation ear training. teaching and performing relationships motivation learn and teach attention confidence freedom The shape: starting from a feeling and arises from an observation. The bodies present. The risk zone and exhibition. Opening to the unusual experience. Symposium on form and formlessness LEAP Symposium Teaching Form|less Surprise yourself recording poetic documentation hand-eye coordination Reflexes and dance BMC® Dance education Teaching Practice Feedback Research Science tango learning / teaching cross-cultural Choreographic designs and Improvisation scores Interdependence and Relation Cultivation of a Physical Culture Flocking Behaviour improvisation and Taiji-partner-work Contact Improvisation mixed ability teaching Directing Performance Tactics contactimprovisation Quality of mouvements movement and dance education; arts education; kinesthetic awareness; embodied knowledge; meditation and mindfulness; transformative learning. mixed ability danceability contact improvisation training teaching Improvisation Cognitive science Teaching strategies Teaching Practice contactimprovisation Tango Argentino Gender and role transference Cultural perspectives Contemporary teachings of Tango teaching methods posture Movement Research Acrobatics hand balancing verticality circus dance teaching Spine Movement Acrobatics teaching Performance teaching contemporary professional training improvisation Contact improvisation martial arts consent and boundaries Theory ballet PHONÉSIE as a performative practice of mixing three tracks: dance voice and sense Mediate spaces (virtually and non-virtually) Somatics' sharing Deep listening and presence Relation and awareness Ballet alternatives Hybrid Teaching Practices Teaching Contemporary Dance testing structures and Playing Art and Family sensorial Urban Movement. writing Observation Outdoor documentation teaching diversity Teaching Aging teaching hand balancing Acrobatics composition class Choreographic Thinking Teaching Beginners Teaching Online Improvisation Movement Research Documentation Drawing Visual Landscape documentation practices and tools teaching Modern Dance children dance improvisation imagination technique class description theory and pratcice Performativity Real Time Documentation Encounter and Context Fasica as Narrator Broken Narratives Moving between theory and practice Aesthetics somatics and politics comunal embodied learning tried and true Feldenkrais Mindfulness methodology education Teaching Practice Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy Workshop Foundation
315 matches found |
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A Circular Dance Creative Process
This is a hand out from a workshop that we did at the Diderot Conference last year.
This is a hand out from a workshop that we did at the Diderot Conference last year.
Learning Ability to Handle Complexity
Dance Education for 21st Century Some thoughts on the field of Dance Education after Stolzenhagen 1) The death of Choreography 2) The end of Dance Techniques 3) The birth of...
Dance Education for 21st Century Some thoughts on the field of Dance Education after Stolzenhagen 1) The death of Choreography 2) The end of Dance Techniques 3) The birth of...

By [Multiple Creators]

Class description (proposal) for K3
BMC ® – Architectural Interaction The interaction on the level of our inner architecture supports us in our creative work as well as our personal and professional development.
BMC ® – Architectural Interaction The interaction on the level of our inner architecture supports us in our creative work as well as our personal and professional development.
Adriana Almeida´s Class
Body-Mind Centering® as a method for dance creation, embodiment and empowerment of the individual in interaction with the experencial anatomy and physiologyof the body systems.
Body-Mind Centering® as a method for dance creation, embodiment and empowerment of the individual in interaction with the experencial anatomy and physiologyof the body systems.
Ph.D in Dance and Somatic.
Title in English: “Body-Mind Centering® and the sense of motion in (un)balance: elementary principles and techniques, in dance creation, by poetics in the dancing lines of Pau...
Title in English: “Body-Mind Centering® and the sense of motion in (un)balance: elementary principles and techniques, in dance creation, by poetics in the dancing lines of Pau...
Inter-equilibrium Between BMC and Paul Klee’s Fundamentals as...
The similarities between the Body-Mind Centering method and Paul Klee’s visual arts and pedagogical ideas bring to somatic studies new techniques for the facilitation of movement...
The similarities between the Body-Mind Centering method and Paul Klee’s visual arts and pedagogical ideas bring to somatic studies new techniques for the facilitation of movement...
TTT meeting Brussels/ Juliana Neves class/ FROM A SHOULDER TO A...
This Idoc contains a drawing, a short, rough movie extract and an interview with Anouk Llaurens about my process in documenting personal interest in the creation of a short choreog...
This Idoc contains a drawing, a short, rough movie extract and an interview with Anouk Llaurens about my process in documenting personal interest in the creation of a short choreog...

By [Multiple Creators]

Andrea Keiz - documentation as artistic research - docuM - 2013....
“nature takes over” I was taking part in class of Andrea Keiz with partners (co-authors) at documentation as artistic research which was a great chance to fresh up the think...
“nature takes over” I was taking part in class of Andrea Keiz with partners (co-authors) at documentation as artistic research which was a great chance to fresh up the think...

By [Multiple Creators]

Connecting Chance
A one-week workshop based on the theme 'chance' to create movement material, use different ways to structure and play with it.
A one-week workshop based on the theme 'chance' to create movement material, use different ways to structure and play with it.
Tanz ist. (5): Die eigene Freiheit behaupten und gleichzeitig die...
Tanz ist (5): Die eigene Freiheit behaupten und gleichzeitig die Freiheit aller anderen schonen. Vorbereitung und Reflexion einer Anfänger Klasse einer 4 Einheiten umfassenden Wor...
Tanz ist (5): Die eigene Freiheit behaupten und gleichzeitig die Freiheit aller anderen schonen. Vorbereitung und Reflexion einer Anfänger Klasse einer 4 Einheiten umfassenden Wor...